Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen~




Half an hour later, Paige found herself changing into one of Charles' shirts. The hem barely brushed the top of her thighs but she didn't have anything else to wear. Her dress wasn't good for sleeping in and she had forgotten to bring pajamas.


“You look good in my clothes,” Charles commented when Paige walked back into his room. She just glared, eyes cold.


“Not like I have much choice. Put a shirt on, will you?” She couldn't help but notice how, well, attractive Charles was. Especially seeing as he was just in boxers, not wearing a shirt.


“Oh come on, I know you're admiring the view. Don't worry honey, I don't mind you staring.” Charles grinned slightly, patting the bed beside him. Reluctantly, Paige walked across the room and climbed into his bed.


“If you try anything I swear to god I will hurt you,” she hissed as she pulled the blankets over her exposed body.


“Don't worry lovely, I'll be a perfect gentleman.” Paige resisted the urge to laugh a that. Instead she just closed her eyes. Charles turned the light off before coming back to his bed and slipping in next to her. She tried to ignore the fact that his arms slipped around her waist and how nice it felt to be curled up next to him.


Paige fell asleep a few minutes later, still in Charles' arms. In her sleep, which was restless and plagued with nightmares, she twisted so her was facing Charles. Her head on his chest, she clung to him for safety. Trapped in the prison of her dreams, she began to whimper softly. Charles woke up when her cries got louder. Sighing, he shifted her body and pulled her closer, brushing hair from her face and kissing her forehead gently. Her cries grew softer until they stopped entirely. The rest of the night passed by, the two teens still locked in their embrace.


The next morning, Paige woke up confused. Her body was entwined with the still-sleeping form of Charles. Somehow he looked softer in sleep. His hair was messy and in his face, his lips parted slightly. Without the dangerous spark in his eyes or the smirk on his lips, Paige could almost believe he was harmless.


“Morning gorgeous,” Charles whispered a few moments later, eyes fluttering open. “I must say, bedhead and all, you look wonderful. You should wake up next to me more often. Hopefully with less clothes next time.”


Paige blushed but just rolled her eyes. “Yeah keep dreaming.” She rolled away from the boy she had slept with in the most innocent way the night before.


“Paige, darling, I'll give you a secret for a kiss you know.”


“What kind of secret? Is it even worth my time?” Paige turned to face Charles, crossing her arms expectantly.


“A little birdie told me who Dean likes... Gimme a kiss and I'll tell you.”


Paige paused, “Tell me and I'll kiss you.”


“Fine, come over here then. If you won't give me a kiss I'll have to steal one.” Paige walked over to Charles shyly, curious.


“Alright, who is it then?” Paige asked, sitting down on Charles' bed and waiting.


Charles grinned wickedly. “Rumor has it Dean likes a little boy named Zevi. A certain Zevi who likes to cut himself, according to my sources. But I'm sure you know that. He's been seeing your daddy for a few years now.”


Paige flipped her hair back. “I did know that actually. Well, about Zevi. He told me. Because, you know, he trusts me. I don't need 'sources' to find that stuff out.”


Charles laughed. “That may be true but you, Little Red, owe me a kiss.” Sighing, Paige leaned in and pressed her lips against his. He pulled her closer, pining her down to the bed and kissing her back roughly.


They stayed like that, lips locked together for a few minutes. Charles' hands slipped up under Paige's shirt but she didn't protest. She moaned slightly and tangled her legs with his. They broke apart, gasping for air, before continuing to make out. After what felt like a small eternity, Paige realized what she was doing and wiggled out of his grip, running down the hall and locking herself in the bathroom. Her clothing was still in there from the night before.


With shaking hands, she called Haven, Dean, Ivy, and Elgy. Each of her friends didn't pick up. As a last hope, she dialed Zevi's number. He picked up on the first ring. After explaining what had happened, he agreed to pick her up.


Five minutes later, Paige as dressed in her clothing from the night before. She slipped out the back door and ran around to the front. Zevi pulled up and she climbed into the car, frowning when she noticed a girl with bleached blonde hair sitting in the passenger seat. “Oh, Paige, this is Ellie. My girlfriend. Ellie, this is Paige.”


Ellie was pretty in punk sort of way. Her hair had darker brown roots growing in. Her skin was tan and her eyes a deep, chocolate brown. There was a cigarette between her fingers, a piercing on her lip and a ring in her nose. She brushed her bangs to the side and smiled at Paige. “Here we're saving you from a psychotic guy who likes you. He sounds like my type,” she joked.


Paige smiled despite herself. “Come on Ellie. You're gonna scare her off. Besides, I'm starting to get worried you're gonna ditch me cause I'm not crazy enough for you!” Ellie laughed at her boyfriend's words as he drove away.


“Hey, Ivy was way saner than you. Paige, did you know he's actually a genuine crazy under that whole shy facade?”

Paige blinked, “You dated Ivy? And I didn't know he was crazy.”


“Oh yeah, a while ago but yeah I dated her. It didn't really work out ya know? I kinda had a thing with this other girl, her name's Kennedy you probably don't know her. And then I got a new job, working with Dean. I met Zevi on a lunch break a bit ago and we kinda hit it off.”


“Okay Ellie, how about you stop doing the girly bonding thing with Paige before you embarrass me. Paige, you're going to New Years at Entropy, right? Ellie's gonna go to that.”


“I'm not really a club girl,” Ellie piped in.


“New Years? Yeah I think I'm going. That's god like a month away now? Something like that...” Paige was surprised, time had passed fast. It was almost Christmas, almost holiday break.


“Right, then you can talk to my lovely girlfriend then. And we're at your house, shoo.” Paige laughed as she climbed out of Zevi's car, noticing the red blush on his cheeks. She thought Ellie seemed nice. She just hoped Charles was wrong and Dean didn't like Zevi.


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