Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine~




“At first everything was wonderful. My parents were happy, we had a nice house, I was a good kid. Then when I was maybe... seven things started going bad. My dad lost his job, came home really mad. Hit my mom clear across the face. She just stood there, didn't say a thing. After that... things were different.”


Paige listened silently, tears filling her eyes. She tried to imagine her father coming home and hitting her mom. She couldn't though, her parents were happy, her father wouldn't do that and her mother sure as hell wouldn't let him. She felt so bad for him, she had misjudged the dark-haired boy. Maybe Charles wasn't as bad as she thought.


“After that... Well, he hit her a lot more. Sometimes he'd stop, say he was sorry. Things would be good for a bit, but he'd always go back to hitting her. After a couple years... well my mom hung herself in the kitchen. My dad came home and he started crying. Said he didn't mean it. I was at school then but the cops told me he wrote out what he did to her and shot himself in the head. I was pulled out of school, my aunt was put in charge of keeping an eye on me.” The line went silent for a long time and Paige wondered what she was supposed to do.


“I'm... Well that's really fucked up you know?” Paige paused for a minute. “I couldn't imagine that happening. I don't think I'd ever be okay after that. Think it would haunt me, you know?” Charles paused for a moment.


“There's nothing wrong with me, Paige. I'm... there is nothing wrong with me.” The anger and ice in his voice made the brunette freeze. That was the first time he called her Paige instead of Little Red, she realized.


“Oh,” she mumbled softly. “I'm... I'm sorry then. I was just thinking for me.”


“It's... fine, Little Red. You're not like me.” Charles took a deep breath before continuing. “Kids are mean, you know? After it kinda got out, everyone was pretty mean to me. Kinda sucked but I'm better than them you know? And now where are they? Below me. Doesn't matter, not really. My aunt's a good woman, I have good friends. And I have you my darling Little Red. And when they find out what you're going to do to them I'll be all you have.”


“How do you know about that?” Paige's breath caught in her throat. “How could you possibly...”


“Pillow talk, delicious. That little Ashlee is quite the slut. It wasn't hard to get it out of her. But don't worry, I won't tell them yet. They wouldn't believe me. No, I'll let you betray them and when you have no one I'll be right here waiting for you.”


“I hope you rot,” Paige hissed. “I'm not... You don't know a thing about me, okay? You don't... you have no right to say that. And I wouldn't go to you if you were the last human being on earth, darling.” She spat the last word out like a curse. Charles just chuckled darkly.


“Oh sweetie, you think anyone's going to be your friend when this is over? You'll be a filthy, backstabbing bitch if you do spill, those girls will leave you to the wolves once they have their dirt. And if you don't? Well what will dear old Haven and Dean think when they find out why you started hanging out with them? Oh honey, they're gonna eat you alive. And you'll have no one but me. I guarantee it.”


In that moment, Paige realized she almost hated him. “You know, I'm sure there's a word for what you are. And I'm not talking about asshole or bastard although both fit. There's something wrong with you Charles.”


“Oh I know,” there was almost pride in Charles' voice as he spoke. “It's called psychological trauma that resulted in emotional detachment and something like Narcissistic Personality Disorder, NPD. Ask your daddy, he's the one who diagnosed me.”


“Go die in a hole,” Paige spoke with a flat, cold voice. She hoped he realized how much she despised him.


“Oh no, you got me with the sixth grade insult! How will I ever live? You wound me, Little Red.” The sarcasm in his voice was obvious and Paige flinched. After a moment, she regained her poise.


“It wouldn't be such a shame if you didn't live, love. Never doubt, I'll hurt you, badly, because you'll do the same thing to me.”


“Oh precious, I'll hurt you too but you'll like it. I can picture it now... I'll break you and you'll love every second of it.”


“Keep telling yourself that baby. Whatever helps you sleep at night... Just know I'm not weak, I won't give in. Have fun wasting your time,” Paige smirked as she spoke.


“Oh darlin' I'm not wasting my time at all. It's all about the chase, makes the prize so much sweeter at this end... And I will get you, so don't kid yourself.”


“Oh sugar, you'll never get me. Have fun trying, though. You think you're so great but you're really not. Oh you got the school's biggest slut to sleep with you? Wow, how amazing! A couple girls fell for your charm? Sweetie, you're never going to get me. Careful with that ego there, is it compensating for something?”


“You're going to be fun... But you know that, don't you? You like playing, acting like you're in charge? Trust me, Little Red, if I didn't want to enjoy this you'd be on your knees already.” It took Charles a minute to control his temper and when he spoke Paige knew she was winning.


“Because you're the big bad wolf, aren't you? Sorry love, I think it's about time someone brought you down to earth. You're nothing at all and you know it, don't you? As much as I love this, I gotta go. Tata!” Paige hung up before he could reply and smirked.


Her phone kept ringing all night.




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