Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen~




The group of four was quickly seated at a secluded booth. Ivy and Haven ended up on one side with Charles and Paige on the other, seeing as Haven had refused to sit by either Charles or Paige. The tension was obvious, Paige regretted insisting on having other people come with them. Only Ivy seemed immune to the awkward atmosphere, chatting with Haven and Charles happily.


When their food arrived, the table fell silent. Paige only picked at her pasta, pushing it around. She tore a piece of bread apart, hands itching to do something. Charles and Ivy ate normally while Haven just glared at her food and at everyone else.


“Who stole your hobbits?” Ivy asked rudely when Haven refused to engage in conversation for the tenth time. “You've been downright moody all night. How do you think Paige feels? She invited us especially and you're ruining her evening. She could have invited Zevi or Elegy or Dean but she asked you. And you've been really, really rude!”


“Ivy, it's fine...” Paige trailed off, biting her lip and stirring her straw around in her soda nervously.


“Ivy's right, Little Red. Miss Moore isn't being a very good friend now is she?” Charles slipped an arm around Paige and pulled her into his lap easily.


“Well maybe I'm upset because Paige is being reckless and stupid by talking to you. Maybe I just wanted her to be safe, but instead she went out and made a deal with the likes of you for who-knows-what. So forgive me for not jumping for joy over this whole date thing.” Haven shot a piercing glare at Charles as she spoke.


“For god's sake Haven! It's not his fault! What happened to Elegy- well you don't have to hold a grudge until the end of time about it.” Ivy crossed her arms and glared at Haven.


“Yeah? Well what about what happened to Paige? He could have hurt her, badly. He's been cold and manipulative towards her. He's obsessed with her! Forgive me for being worried about my friend!”


“He's our friend, Haven! So what, he's made mistakes. You have too. And you think that acting like you don't care is going to change that but it won't.”


“Yeah? Well at least I'm not pathetically in love with a boy who could care less about me! At least I can see people's flaws instead of being blinded by complete and utter devotion. At least I'm not a class A fuck up with a drug addiction.”


“Shut the fuck up! You don't know anything!” Ivy stood up as she spoke, turning on her heel and stalking out of the room. “At least I'm not a murderer.”


Charles smirked when he heard Ivy's parting words. “Oh, she's done it now, Little Red,” he whispered to Paige softly. “Haven's going to be positively murderous.”


True to his word, Haven was pissed. She didn't bother saying a word to Paige or Charles, running after Ivy screaming insults instead. Charles laughed as he watched, running a hand through Paige's hair. “See? Ivy's a smart girl but also an idiot. She knows exactly what to say to hurt people but she's too impulsive. She says things in anger, if she could stay calm her words would hurt so much more.”


“And I suppose you know exactly what would hurt me, right? I bet you could make me break with a few words, couldn't you?” Paige kept her voice sweet, hiding the danger.


“Oh, Little Red, you're easy to break. So many little hairline cracks I could use against you. But I won't, not now. We have a deal after all.” Charles paid for the bill without another word.


Together, they walked out to his car and drove back to his house. Paige was impressed, while not huge it had a strange sort of power. Maybe it was the way it stood out, an old Victorian surrounded by patchwork houses. Maybe it was the knowledge that a boy with too much power lived inside. Paige wasn't sure.


“My aunt is out of the town. She's a government employee, has a big out of state thing. My room's this way.” Charles spoke softly as he lead Paige through the heavy redwood door and up to the second story. He pushed a black door open to reveal a somewhat messy room. The blankets on his bed were messy, the floor sprinkled with soda cans and clothing.


“Don't try to sidetrack me. I want answers. I went on your stupid date, I held up my side. Now I want you to hold up yours.”


Charles sighed and sat down on his bed, gesturing for Paige to join him. Hesitantly she did, kicking off her shoes and sitting next to the dark-haired boy. He pulled her into his lap easily, wrapping his arms around her body easily.


“So, you want to know what happened with Elegy? It's not a happy story. There was a party at Shane's house, he lives alone because his parents are filthy rich. Axel brought over a bunch of drugs, I don't really know what. Anyways, Elegy and I were pretty messed up. She's a pretty girl, you know. And she used to be a lot less shy. We started making out and well one thing led to another and we had sex. She remembered it the next day and got really upset, it was her first time and she wanted it to be special. Anyways, people talk and things changed until I had practically drugged and raped her. She's afraid of me and everyone hates me.”

Paige was more than slightly certain there was more than that to the story but she didn't say anything. If she asked Haven the story might be that Charles spiked her drink. Ask Zevi and it would have been a mistake that Charles should have avoided. The actual truth would be impossible to find. People were rather biased.


“And why does Ivy still like you? She said it had to do with drugs and drinking.”


Charles frowned. “Ivy had a drug addiction, yes. Drinking problem too. She was always throwing herself at guys, thought that would make her happy. She lusted after love but couldn't find it no matter how hard she tried. I took pity on her, helped her. Found her a nice little rehab place and figured everything out. She fancies herself in love with me.”


“She deserves a million times better than an asshole like you,” Paige muttered. Charles didn't respond.




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