Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven~




Two hours and more than a few drinks later, Paige had warmed up to Haven's “Seduce the Bastard” plan. Charles had left to go dance with some skimpily-dressed girl after Dean had scooped Paige up and confronted him. Dean himself had questioned Haven and comforted a shaking Paige once the dark haired boy was gone, before proceeding to threaten the satanist with death if Paige got hurt.


Haven seemed to have no problem with buying Paige drinks, using a very realistic fake ID. Paige herself had no idea how the purple-haired girl had managed to swap her neon green “underage” bracelet for the black and red “drinking age” one. She didn't think she wanted to know either. Still, the drinks were rather nice, despite tasting terrible at first. Drinking was nothing new, Sadie had a tendency to steal drinks from her parents' stash.


After enough drinks to make the room slightly blurry, Haven had broached the subject of Charles. More specifically, she had suggested that Paige could maybe, possibly seduce Charles. At the end of those two hours, Paige had agreed which was how she found herself drunkenly stumbling over to the dark-haired boy.


“He-hey Charles!” Paige battered her eyelashes, swinging her hips slightly as she walked closer. Had she been sober she would have been embarrassed, but the drinks had filled her with strange confidence.


“Little Red, come to confess your feelings for me?” Charles turned away from the girl he was dancing with, grabbing Paige's arm and pulling her closer instead. For a brief moment, Paige considered running. Instead she just smirked and moved closer.


“Oh no, that would be too easy. See, you might be the big bad wolf, but I bite too.” Charles grinned as he heard her speak, slipping his arms around her body.


“Sexy,” Charles breathed. “I like it rough...” Giggling, Paige wrapped her arms around his neck, threading her fingers through his hair. She pulled him forward until their lips were almost touching.


“Oh darling I'd make you scream...” The spark in Paige's eyes was dangerous, enticing. She knew exactly how much power she had over Charles. And she liked that.


They danced for what could have been only a few minutes or maybe an hour or more. Drunk on the power she held over the dark-haired boy, Paige grew more and more suggestive. She didn't even protest when she felt his hands moving and grabbing her ass, even giggling and digging her nails into his skin.


That's how they found themselves stumbling outside. Paige's makeup was smudged, her balance off. Charles had pulled out the pins holding her hair up, causing the curls to tumble down her back, a wild brunette halo. They were both sweaty from the crowded, overheated room. Paige felt like she was overheating, the cold night air cooled her down slightly.


Moments after they had stumbled out of the back exit, Charles pinned Paige up against the wall roughly. He started kissing her, hands pulling on her clothing. Paige moaned lightly, kissing him back. She pulled away after a moment, eyes glittering in the limited light from the moon. No street lights illuminated their hiding place.


“Careful there, I don't think you can handle me...” Paige murmured gently, biting her lip slowly.


“Oh little red, I don't think you can handle me,” Charles replied easily, brushing hair away from the brunette's neck, leaning down to kiss it lightly.


“Trust me,” Paige slipped away easily, “I'm not as helpless as you think I am.” She danced away, flipping her hair as she evaded Charles' attempts to grab her and pull her back.


“Where do you think you're going?” The boy asked, arching an eyebrow. Paige paused, spinning on her heel.


“I am going home. And you're going to stay here, awestruck because I'm not falling all over you like everyone else.”


“Really now? That's not what was going on earlier. You were all over me, doll.”


“Ignorant doesn't look good on you. Do you really think I'd be falling all over you? Think I'd be all over you, think I'd be in lust with you? Think again.”


“Please, you were clinging to me like your life depended on it. Draped all over my body like your life depended on it. I had you wrapped around my fingers.”


“Key word there is had. You think you have any control over me? Please, you wish. I'm not another slut, another girl you can play.”


“And who says I was playing you? Who says I couldn't actually like you? Maybe I like the sparkle in your eyes, the fire in your heart. Maybe I like the way you're never what I expect, the way you're strong and beautiful and smart.”


“Don't lie to me,” Paige spat. “You don't like me, don't love me. You love the idea of having [power over me, of making me need you, want you. But here's the thing, I don't need you. I don't need anyone. I'm fine on my own.”


“You say that but you're really not. You're scared, scared of caring. Scared of trusting me, loving me. That's your problem, isn't it? You care about people and then they hurt you so you lock yourself away, act cold. You're not cold. But you are a traitor, a bitch. You'd happily hurt Haven and Dean for the smallest sliver of a chance to be popular again.”


“Oh like you care. You're no better, bastard. You'd hurt anyone if you thought they deserved it. Think you're so much better than me, think again because you really aren't. You think you're the best but you're really not. You're pathetic.”


“Only as pathetic as you are my dear,” Charles replied softly, staring at Paige with cold eyes. He thought she looked beautiful, anger burning like a bright fire, eyes staring at him coldly.


“I never claimed to be a good person,” she stated. “Goodbye Charles, I'm done wasting my time here.”


“Little red!” Charles called, trying to make her stop, pause, reconsider.


“My name,” Paige hissed, eyes burning bright, “is Paige Ryan. And I deserve a million times better than you.”


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