Epilogue~ Freaks Have More Fun

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And here's the end. Hope you enjoyed this! I actually finished it a couple months ago and I had fun with it so yeah. It's a little shorter than some of my other completed stories but I honestly feel like the story is over. I don't think I'll ever write a sequel or anything, that's just not my style. So this is the last of Paige, Haven, Dean and Charles (and all their other friends). Enjoy! XOXO



Epilogue~ Freaks Have More Fun




Hair pulled back in a messy bun, the girl walked down the familiar hallways in silence. In the two months since the truth came out, not a lot had changed. She was still single, although there had been boys who asked her out. Jackson was the first, followed by a sad boy named Robin, followed by a jerk who reminded her of Charles in more ways than one. She rejected them all, deciding she'd rather stay single. Her friends respected that.


The hallways which had once been so unfamiliar felt like home. The band posters and pictures were attached to stories, the different doors, gateways to memories. Here was a place she felt at home. Once she could have stuck out like sore thumb but now she belonged at the club as much as anyone.


Haven had moved into Dean's house, with his family's permission. Her aunt understood and was okay with it. Besides, Haven was almost eighteen years old, she could almost live on her own. Dean was more than willing to have his best friend live with him, especially seeing as his older sister was away at college and they had an empty room.


Dean and Zevi were still dating, still happy together. Zevi's two little sisters adored Dean and Dean loved them like his own siblings. Zevi's therapy continued and he got better, dealing with his own issues was hard but he was doing it. He didn't relapse again and everyone held their breath, hoping he was really getting better.


Ivy was perfectly happy, having kicked her addictions long before. She was happy, going on dates but not really staying in a relationship. She was okay with that, relationships were hard and she was concentrating on her classes.


Elegy was still in the hospital, a private one, getting the help she needed. The group made time to visit her every weekend, like clockwork. She was still distant, dreamy, sad, but there was more life in her eyes. Ivy had jokingly told her that she was like “a mystical fairy princess” when she was sad. That had made her laugh.


And then there was Charles. She hadn't spoken to him since everything happened, hadn't even seen him. Rumor had it he was in rehab/juvie/jail/dead/OD'd on drugs/killed himself/got a girl pregnant/moved to Canada/killed a man/ had actually been an undercover cop the entire time, sent to bust someone for something with drugs. She wasn't sure if she believed any of those but the fact of the matter was that he was gone.


And then he had sent her a text, asking her to meet him where they had been on New Year's Eve. And she had agreed because she was stupid and she was curious. She wasn't naïve enough to trust him again, he was a liar. He would hurt her. Hell, he already had.


“I thought you wouldn't come,” He greeted slowly, sitting on a box. She just shrugged slightly.


“I figured why the hell not,” she replied coldly. “Don't waste my time.”


“I'm not sorry,” he started simply. “But, for what it's worth, you really do deserve better. You deserved better friends than Holly and Ashlee and Sadie. You deserved a better family that the world's biggest workaholic and his wife. You deserved to like someone better than me, cause I'm a terrible person and honestly you should have realized that a long time ago. But you get what you get in life and I'm not sorry about what I did. I'm just sorry things played out like that.”


She listened in silence, heart cold. “Who I am is not determined by people like you. You say I deserve better? Well I've found it. And I don't have to be in love with someone to be happy. There are people out there who think that being in love comes before everything else but that's not true. You can love without being in love. You can be happy without having a relationship. I deserved better and I found it, I found real friends. And you were wrong, they didn't hate me when I found out. Because they know me, they see me for me. And that's the difference between them and you; you see the parts of me you want to see and they see everything and like me anyways.”

She stood up, turned away. “So I'm done wasting my time on people like you. Because I deserve better.”

As she was walking away, Charles found his voice. “Wait! One thing...”


She turned around, “Well? What do you want?” She snapped.


“I think you made the right choice, in the end.”


“Oh, I know.” She smirked, flipping her hair and walking out of the room, away from Charles. He hadn't changed but she had. She didn't need him.


Paige Ryan left Entropy with her head held high and a smile on her face. She was happy.


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