Bad News.

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*the next day*

Blake's P.O.V

I woke up with a headache, and I felt sick. I wasn't in my bed, though. I looked around. I was at a hotel. I freaked out immediately thinking that I had slept with someone, but when I turned to my side no one was there, and then I remembered, that I came here to drink, and I was drunk, and it was too late to go home or else Jessica would bitch at me.

I really need to get a hold of my drinking.

I went to grab my phone, to only see I had 6 unread text messages, and 8 missed calls from Jessica.

As soon as I opened the text message my heart sank... It was a picture of me and Cara kissing against her car. My hands were up her skirt. Jessica sent this picture to me... Her text read..

"Blake, what the fuck is this? If you don't reply at some point I will seriously leave your ass once and for all, I'm tired of all your shit."

I called her immediately.

Me: Jess meet me at the park right next to the house. Let me explain.

Jess: you finally call me now?

Me: just do it, now.

She hung up. Hopefully she would meet me at the park. I threw on my pants and left to the park.

When I got there she was sitting at a bench. I ran over.

Me: Jess!

Jessica: what Blake.?

Me: let me explain.

Jessica: I'm waiting. Hurry your ass up, I have better things to do.

Me: I was stressed, and I needed a break. You were always bitching and I couldn't take it. We hardly kissed each other, and Nyla was always crying, and being a brat. And you did nothing about it.

Jessica: so tell me this, when parenting gets tough you're just going to sleep around like you're single?! Blake Nyla loves you, and looks up to you. What happens when she's older and she hears about all of this shit?! Huh?

Blake: look.. I'm sorry. It won't ever happen again. Just please, please don't leave me. I love you and Nyla, and our incoming baby.

Jessica: I don't even know what to think, you don't even know what's exactly going on.. Do you?!

Me: yeah, I lied and you caught me out with a girl, who even sent you that picture?

Jessica: that's not all.. And Stephens little cousin..

Me: oh so you're talking to him again?

I tried to change the subject.

Jessica: Blake give it a fucking break. Okay?!? He is taking care of his wife and kids unlike you. He's a real man. And obviously you don't know how to stop playing the little boy games. You're FUCKING 25 years old! For gods sake! I've been hurt enough!!

Me: I didn't mean to say that.. Just take a breather Jess, damn.

I shouldn't of said that...

Jessica: BLAKE YOU DONT GET IT. You're still stuck in 2006!

Me: why do you say that?!?

Jessica: because that's when you could fuck 17 year old girls and get away with it, that's why...

*to be continued*


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