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Camila [7:23 am]: Good morning to my special green eyed girl :)

Lauren [7:32 am]: Someone's up early

Camila [7:33 am]: I could be asking you the same thing

Lauren [7:35 am]: Well, I have work to do. What's your excuse?

Camila [7:36 am]: I have a special mission that was given to me by a special person

Lauren [7:39 am]: And what mission could that be that you had to be up at 7 in the morning?

Camila [7:40 am]: Well the mission is, for me to tell that special person about myself today :)

Lauren [7:42 am]: You're such a dork

Camila [7:43 am]: Hey you asked for it

Lauren [7:45 am]: Fair enough, so tell me about yourself then Camila

Camila [7:48 am]: Okay!

Camila [7:48 am]:  Let's see...

Camila [7:50 am]:  I love bananas, I have an endless amount of onesies and wearing one now as we speak, I was homeschooled, I love pizza and chicken nuggets, I'm a Pisces, I love to read, my favorite color is yellow because bananas are yellow

Camila [7:51 am]:  There's so much more but that's all I could think of on the top of my head

Lauren [7:55 am]:  Wow! So pretty much all I got from that is you're a child inside a 23 year old's body and you love food

Camila [8:00 am]: Think what you want! I think I gave  better description of myself than you did of you

Camila [8:00 am]: But hey, I don't remember telling you about my age?

Lauren [8:02 am]:  That's because you didn't. I may or may not have texted Dinah and asked her about you :)

Camila [8:03 am]: WHAT?!

Camila [8:04 am]: WHY???

Camila [8:04 am]: What did Dinah say about me???

Lauren [8:05 am]: Nothing bad, she just told me how much of a goofball and how annoying you could be but that you have a good heart deep inside :)

Camila [8:06 am]:  Well this is newssss to me! I'm going to kill Dinah!

You Had Me At Hello (Texting Story/Camren)Where stories live. Discover now