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For the next two and a half days, Camila did everything she could in preparation for what she's about to unfold to her parents and as well as Cabello Industries' Board of Directors. The young entrepreneur made a promise to the special green-eyed girl whom she loved so dearly and that promise would be kept. Camila would indeed fight for Lauren.

Yesterday, Camila arrived back to New York where she met up with Lucas for lunch. Camila informed the boy on how she had made the mistake in choosing the company over who truly made her happy.

"Camila, our contact is still intact for another 3 months," the light-haired boy reminded her.

"I know," Camila groaned. "But Lucas, you know how much Lauren means to me. I can't disappoint her again. Not this time."

Lucas' mind was in a battle at this point. He cared for his friend's feelings and decisions but also knew the consequences of ending the contract at such an abrupt moment.

"Okay let's say I agree to this, you do know what will happen to our self-image right? The rumors will spark up again and this could cause investors to pull away from both of our companies," Lucas tried to reason truthfully.

"Trust me, I've thought about everything. That's why I'm willing to pay you and your team as much money as you guys want to buy myself out of the contract," the young entrepreneur replied with sincerity.

"I'm not just talking to you as a business partner, Camila. I'm talking to you as your friend. I get that you want to be with Lauren, but another 3 months won't hurt right?"

"It's not that," Camila said, breaking eye contact as her voice began to falter. "It's the fact that I didn't fight for Lauren in the first place. She made me happy and I took it for granted. I chose the company over her which is by far the biggest mistake I've ever made."

With Camila's words, the tears followed. She was in greater regret and actually vocalizing the words made the pain in her chest even worse.

Lucas understood the love that Camila had for Lauren. It was one of the topics which they've talked about before. The boy sympathized with her and was aware of the situation his friend was put to.

"It's okay, just let it out," the light-haired boy said as he stroked Camila's arm gently with his hand.

After a few moments, Camila finally stopped crying. The two further discussed the situation and what the plan was. Luckily, Camila convinced Lucas with her proposition. After all, he could not deny those sad brown eyes that his dear friend had when she wanted something.

The two agreed upon breaking the contract which also meant the breakup of their so-called romantic relationship. This would then take action as soon as possible. They disclosed that the breakup would not hurt Lucas' reputation and self-image in any way, but as for Camila, things may be more complicated.

Now that that was out of the way, to speak to her parents and the Board of Directors was the next step in the process. Camila had called her secretary to set up an early meeting this morning. The young entrepreneur's nerves were getting the best of her which caused a sleepless night from the day before. She knew how convincing her parents could be and how her authority for the company was on the line. Nonetheless, those things did not amount to how much she loved Lauren.

Before going to the meeting room, Camila was surprisingly greeted by her parents at her office.

"Camila?" Sinuhe said, opening the door of the spacious room. The older woman walked in followed by her husband.

"I'll be up in the meeting room. I'm just getting my stuff," Camila said as she got up from her chair and hurriedly stuffed some folders and paperwork in her bag.

You Had Me At Hello (Texting Story/Camren)Where stories live. Discover now