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Slowly opening her eyes, Camila groaned as she got up from her bed to retrieve the phone that had been ringing nonstop for about two minutes now. It was a Saturday which meant she had no other commitments except the one she made with her king-sized bed.

The young entrepreneur reached for her phone which was on her dresser, reading the caller ID.

Sinuhe Cabello

Sinuhe: Camila you need to come here to Miami now.

The older woman's voice was firm but with a mixture of worrisome which was audible through the other line. Camila couldn't help but also feel somewhat worried. She knew that her mother would not call unless it was important or in regards to the business.

Camila: Why? What's wrong?

Sinuhe: It's Sofi...

Sinuhe's voice nearly faltered. Now, Camila was very alarmed.

Sinuhe: She got into a fight with these girls at school and now she's here at the hospital. She won't talk to me or your dad about it so I thought you could come here and talk to her.

Camila: Oh my god, is she okay?!

Sinuhe: She's badly bruised but nothing too serious. We'll be home once we finish the paperwork. We don't ask you to come home often but I'm worried about your sister Camila.

Camila: I'll be there as soon as I can.

Rushing to get dressed and ready, Camila hurriedly went to the rooftop of the hotel where one of her helicopters were as she instructed the pilot to a flight to Miami.

You Had Me At Hello (Texting Story/Camren)Where stories live. Discover now