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Camila [11:21 am]: So how was dinner with Normani and Ally

Lauren [11:23 am]: It was great. I had some chicken alfredo and we got brownies for dessert

Lauren [11:23 am]: Oh yeah they may have seen that picture you sent me the other day...

Camila [11:24 am]: What?? Did you show them??

Lauren [11:25 am]: Not intentionally..

Camila [11:27 am]: What do you mean not intentionally? How did they see it?

Lauren [11:28 am]: Okay so I was having Normani take a photo of me and Ally and she accidentally clicked on my photos and saw your picture

Camila [11:29 am]: Oh

Camila [11:30 am]: So you saved my picture on your phone huh?

Lauren [11:31 am]: Omg stooop

Lauren [11:31 am]: This is actually so embarrassing

Camila [11:32 am]: It's not lol why do you think that?

Lauren [11:34 am]: I don't know.. Do you think it's weird that I saved your picture?

Camila [11:35 am]: Nope not at all

Camila [11:36 am]: If it makes you feel any better, I saved your picture too

Lauren [11:36 am]: Really?

Camila [11:37 am]: Yes, I have an admiration for breathtaking things that bless my eyes and so I saved the picture you sent me

Lauren [11:38 am]: Smooth, but I guess I could say the same thing

Camila [11:39 am]: Aww Lauren :')

Lauren [11:39 am]: :)

Camila [11:40 am]: So did your friends say anything about me?

Lauren [11:41 am]: Mani said that you looked really familiar like she's seen you somewhere before. She wouldn't stop talking about it but idk she's a little nuts sometimes lol

Lauren [11:42 am]: And Ally said that you're really pretty

Camila [11:44 am]: Haha that's funny. I guess I look like a lot of people lol idk either and tell Ally I said thanks!

Lauren [11:45 am]: I will! I'll tell her when I see her again

You Had Me At Hello (Texting Story/Camren)Where stories live. Discover now