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In the few hours to come, Camila ordered her pilot for a flight to Miami, in need of answers as to why her best friend desperately needed her presence. Without any hint or suggestion, Camila's mind went places. She knew how troublesome Dinah could be. All she'd hope was that the Polynesian girl was safe in her home and that nothing too serious had happened to her.

With only just her cell phone and wallet on her, Camila used the key Dinah had given her to open the door to the house. Not wasting time, the small girl barged into the house, repeatedly calling Dinah's name.

"Where are you?!" Camila called out, growing nervous as seconds passed by and not seeing any sight of her best friend.

She hurriedly stomped up the stairs and checked every room. Still, Dinah was not present.

"Fuck Dinah," the small girl cursed in frustration.

The brunette let out a loud sigh as she sat on her best friend's bed. She thought of calling the police but was quickly reminded of the love her friend had for pranks.

Last summer, Dinah had pulled a prank on Camila which made her think that a group of mobsters had invaded the taller girl's home. Of course, Camila came to the rescue which turned into her finding Dinah sitting on the couch with popcorn next to her. Dinah's explanation to the prank was that she'd missed the small girl so much and didn't know how else to get her off work and back to her house.

Is this a prank? Camila thought. I swear I'm gonna kill her if this is a fucking prank.

Flustered and being torn between taking the situation seriously or not, Camila called Lauren.

"Hey," Lauren greeted. "What's u-,"

"Hey look, okay. So long story short, I'm at Dinah's house and I can't find her anywhere," Camila said, cutting off Lauren. "I don't know if she's pranking me or not, but I'm starting to get really worried. What if she'd piss someone off and they kidnapped her or worse?!"

"Okay Camz, breathe," Lauren instructed. "Have you tried checking her room?" Camila informed her that she checked all the rooms of the house, even the closet. "Okay umm... What about outside? Maybe she's outside in her backyard or something. I know she always enjoyed doing her homework outside."

"No, but why would she be outside?" Camila questioned, but running out of choices, she ran back downstairs into the living room. She then tried to adjust the blinds with one hand so that they'd open to reveal the glass door that led to the backyard. "These blinds are so fucking annoying."

Even more frustrated now, the small girl wasted no time in trying to move the blinds and so she sped walked to the front door and made her way to the back of the house.

"Hold on, I'm going around the other way," Camila said.

"Okay. Dinah's probably just hiding out there somewhere," Lauren replied with a calm voice to try and also calm Camila down.

Camila used her unoccupied hand to forcefully open the gate of the backyard. She walked the rocky pathway as she tried to dust off the spiderweb that she'd just walked into.

"I'm gonna be so fucking mad if this is-,"

"Hello," Lauren said, who was now not only a voice on the phone but a physical being who stood in front of the smaller girl.

"Wwh..," Camila started, still holding her phone close to her face. "I... Hey."

"You can hang up the phone now," Lauren giggled.

Camila stood speechless, bringing her phone down to her side.

"Wwhh... What? Lauren?" the brunette asked, feeling as though she wasn't living reality.


"You're... You're here," Camila spoke softly.

"I'm here," Lauren confirmed. "Aren't you gonna greet me with a hug? I mean I thought we agreed that you give people hugs when you're excited to see them?"

Camila's puzzled look soon turned into a wide grin as she held her arms out and quickly moved her position to meet Lauren's, her arms tightly wrapped around the green-eyed girl's neck.

"What are you doing here?" Camila asked. "I mean don't get me wrong, I'm happy to see you but I didn't expect to see you here at Dinah's... Oh shit, I forgot I'm supposed to be looking for her!"

The smaller girl tried to walk past Lauren in order to pursue her mission of finding the Polynesian but Lauren quickly grabbed a hold of her wrist causing the other girl to spin around.

"Camz, its okay. Dinah's okay," Lauren assured. "She's actually the reason why we're both here right now... Together, I mean. I had asked her yesterday for advice on how I could surprise you and maybe take you out on a date. And she told me she had a plan on how to get you here in Miami but I didn't know it would come in a form of a prank," the green-eyed girl smiled.

Camila quirked up her right eyebrow.

"So you're telling me that you and Dinah basically tricked me into flying all the way from New York just so you could surprise me?... And not only that, you guys tricked me into thinking that she was in some sort of danger which by the way gave me heart palpitations."

"Okay look, I'm sorry. Don't be upset," Lauren apologized as she now realized how stressful all this must have been for the younger girl. "I didn't know that this is what Dinah had in mind when she said she knew a way to get you here but I guess that doesn't make me any less guilty either. I'm sorry Camz. I just wanted to-,"

"Stop talking," Camila grinned widely as she placed her index finger on Lauren's lips, signaling her to be quiet. "First of all, I'm not upset. And second of all, if I was upset, this all makes up for it. You being here makes up for it."

"I'm really sorry Camz," the older girl repeated. "I know you probably spent a lot for a plane ticket and it didn't even cross my mind to think if you were busy or not."

The truth is, Camila didn't have to pay for a plane ticket considering she had her own to begin with. But of course, she couldn't tell Lauren that.

"Don't worry about it," Camila reassured her. "So how about that date you were talking about?"

Lauren felt her cheeks flush at the thought of her and Camila finally going on a date. She hoped that Camila would like what she had planned for the two of them.

And so, Lauren took Camila's hand in her own as she led her out of the property.

You Had Me At Hello (Texting Story/Camren)Where stories live. Discover now