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Normani [9:24 pm]: LAUREN!

Normani [9:24 pm]: WE WANT DETAILS! NOW.

Ally [9:26 pm]: Yesss! Tell us about the date girl

Lauren [9:30 pm]: Well... We're kind of still on our date :)

Normani [9:32 pm]: Whattt? I thought you were just taking her to the park to feed some geese and then go out for lunch?

Ally [9:33 pm]: I still find it hilarious how out of all the things, you'd wanna go to the park to feed geese haha

Normani [9:34 pm]: Ikr, but it doesn't really surprise me considering how old-fashioned Lo can be

Lauren [9:34 pm]: Okay, first of all, we didn't just go to the park to feed some geese -_-

Ally [9:36 pm]: So, what else did you do then?

Lauren [9:40 pm]: For starters, we got ice cream. Did you know they had banana flavored ice cream? That's Camz's favorite

Lauren [9:41 pm]: Then we walked around the park and basically just talked for hours

Ally [9:42 pm]: Awww what are you guys doing now?

Normani [9:43 pm]: Ally don't bug the girl too much, they're probably about to have sex or something

Ally [9:43 pm]: Hahaha you're so right Mani

Lauren [9:45 pm]: Alright no you guys need to chill out! The most we've really done is hold hands

Ally [9:46 pm]: For now ;)

Lauren [9:47 pm]: Okay well you guys keep your head out the gutter, the movie is starting!

Normani [9:50 pm]: Have fun with your movie, if you even end up watching it...

You Had Me At Hello (Texting Story/Camren)Where stories live. Discover now