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It was Sunday now and Lauren's last day in New York. She would have to fly back to Miami later tonight which she dreaded, but she knew this wasn't the last time she would see Camila. Yesterday was eventful to say so the least. The smaller girl had kept up with their intended plan as the two went on a motorcycle ride together. Lauren was hesitant at first but eased in when she figured that Camila knew what she was doing. Going over 20mph than the actual speed limit, the green-eyed girl felt rebellious and free at the same time. She held onto the smaller girl's waist as tight as she could while a smile never left on her face.

On the other hand, Camila felt euphoric every time she internally awknoledged the fact that she and Lauren were together in the same place at the same time. She had never had a feeling quite as strong as what she felt towards the other girl and this made her excited and scared at the same time. Camila knew the risks and possibilities that could occur if she further explored the relationship she could have with Lauren but at this point, she was in way too deep to back out.

"Good morning sleepyhead," Camila greeted as she saw Lauren approach her in the kitchen. "How'd you sleep?"

The small brunette wasn't one to get up early, but she had other plans for today; one requiring her to get up and cook for a certain green-eyed girl.

"Good," Lauren replied with a grin as she took a seat on the counter stool. "What's for breakfast?"

"I'm making pancakes," the smaller girl said. "Do you like whip cream?"

"I do," the green-eyed girl replied while getting up from her seat and taking a look in the fridge for something to drink.

"Lauren?" Camila asked. "Do you remember when you texted me and asked what we are?"

"Oh you mean the time where I texted you and you basically friend zoned me?" the taller girl said in a joking manner which made Camila feel slightly embarrassed. "Yeah, I remember."

"Well... Um... I've been thinking," the smaller girl said nervously and apparently not wanting to meet Lauren's gaze. "I don't want to be just friends."

"Oh?" Lauren quirked her right eyebrow. "We can be best friends then if you want," she suggested playfully.

"No," Camila was quick to respond as she finally met Lauren's gaze. "I don't want to just be friends or just be best friends."

"We can be lifelong pals," the green-eyed girl jokingly proposed.

"Ugh, Lauren!" Camila sighed in frustration which only made the other girl laugh. "It's not funny! Why do you make things so hard for me?"

"How am I making things hard for you? I'm here giving you multiple suggestions," she chuckled.

Furrowing her eyebrows and pouting in irritation, Camila turned around to continue her cooking in silence.

"Oh come on, don't be mad," Lauren said.

Still, no response from the smaller girl.

The smaller girl finished her cooking and was now putting the pancakes on the plates. Lauren finished her drink as well before speaking up again.

"Hey Camz, I think you dropped something," the green-eyed girl pointed out. Camila searched around the glossy wooden floor but found nothing.

"What? I didn't drop anything," Camila turned to address Lauren.

"Yes, you did... You dropped your smile," the green-eyed girl teased which finally emanated a smile from the other girl.

The two ate breakfast and had light-hearted conversations. Lauren told Camila stories about her college experiences. She alluded to the time where Dinah planned on pranking a fellow student by sending out a fake email from their professor stating that they were endangered of failing. Apparently, the prank was unsuccessful since the student who was very confused ended up calling the college board. Long story short, Dinah ended up almost getting expelled.

Lauren and Camila's serene morning took a complete turn when the green-eyed girl suddenly felt a handful of whip cream being smeared across her cheek.

"Camila!" the green-eyed girl exclaimed in shock which only fueled more laughter from the smaller girl.

Camila got up from her seat as she saw Lauren glaring at her. In response, the green-eyed girl took the bottle of whip cream and squirted a good amount of it in the palm of her hand.

"Okay, I'm sorry," the words that smaller girl kept repeating as she tried to run away from Lauren, making her way on the opposite side of the rectangular kitchen counter. "You kinda look like Santa Claus though," she added with laughter.

"You're so dead," Lauren threatened, trying to get to Camila, but failing to do so since used the counter for blockage.

Finally, Lauren caught the smaller girl and grabbed her by the waist from behind, splattering whip cream all over her face.

"Now who looks like Santa?" Lauren asked, feeling victorious even though they both have about the same amount of whip cream on their faces.

"Still you," the smaller girl pointed out which made them both laugh.

Camila relaxed into Lauren's arms. The brown orbs gazed into the green ones. Their waves of laughter soon descending as the smaller girl tucked the other girl's strands of hair behind her ear. Lauren wiped the excess whip cream that was on Camila's lips before leaning in.

"Wait," the smaller girl said. "Before you kiss me, I wanted to ask... Will you be my girlfriend?"

Without any vocal response, Lauren leaned in and this time, Camila allowed her.

"Yes, I'd be delighted to be your girlfriend," the green-eyed girl followed up after pulling away from the kiss.

You Had Me At Hello (Texting Story/Camren)Where stories live. Discover now