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The jet ride was fairly quick. Lauren spent her time reading while the stewardess of the plane provided her with an assortment of snacks.

"Welcome to New York, Ms. Jauregui," the pilot said on the intercom as the jet touched the ground. Lauren looked out the small window to view the other planes lined up nearby. She could faintly see the buildings of New York in a distance.

This wasn't the first time Lauren has seen or been in New York, but this treatment was definitely a first for her. She had never ridden a private jet before or in this case be treated as if she was in first class. It was actually better than what she imagined first class would be like.

"Thank you so much," Lauren smiled gratefully to the pilot and stewardess before walking down the steps of the aircraft.

Reaching her final step, the green-eyed girl noticed the black SUV awaiting her arrival. Camila had informed Lauren that her driver and Dinah would pick be the one to pick her up since she had a very important meeting that she could not miss. Lauren understood Camila's hectic schedule as she knew how hard the young entrepreneur worked to go above and beyond for the company.

"Lauser!" Dinah called out, using the nickname she had given Lauren in college.

"Nice to see you too," the green-eyed girl chuckled as she reciprocated Dinah's embrace.

The two friends headed to the SUV as Camila's driver who introduced himself as Joaquin insisted on carrying Lauren's luggage for her and placed them in the trunk of the vehicle.

It didn't take long until they were welcomed with New York City's wave of traffic. The slow pace of the vehicles made the drive longer than usual. Nonetheless, the two girls didn't mind as they chatted throughout the whole car ride which in their case made the time go by faster.

Arriving at the destination, Lauren's eyes widened as she saw the tall building of what seemed like 40 stories tall. That wasn't what caught her eyes though. Throughout the entirety of the drive, there had been taller buildings that she'd seen, but this one was particularly eye-catching to Lauren as the sign on the side of the building spelled, Cabello's Palace.

"Wait... Camila owns this hotel?" Lauren asked in bewilderment.

"Um well yeah, it's called Cabello's Palace for a reason Lauser," Dinah replied.

"She told me she lived in the penthouse of a hotel which is understandable, but she forgot to mention that she owns the entire fucking hotel," the green-eyed girl said who was still in shock. "I didn't even know Cabello Industries had hotels."

"That's because there's only five in the country. One here in New York, another in Atlanta. Then there's one in Los Angeles and in Vegas. Oh yeah and the other one is in Nashville," the taller girl listed. "But the hotels are fairly new like only five years old new, that's why you haven't heard about them yet."

"So, Camila owns this whole place?" Lauren asked as they got out of the car and was escorted inside of the building.

The hotel had a modern atmosphere with bright lighting and a huge fountain that greeted its guests. From the moment Lauren stepped inside, she figured that this hotel was a place for the upper class.

"Basically," Dinah confirmed. "Mila's dad signed off most of his properties to her name but the hotels are really Mila's first properties in terms of what she started from scratch."

"Wow," the only word that Lauren had managed to say due to her astonishment.

"Yeah it's pretty amazing how that girl managed to begin her business with building hotels when she was barely even 18 yet," Dinah praised.

You Had Me At Hello (Texting Story/Camren)Where stories live. Discover now