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Dinah [7:22 pm]: Gosh you really are an idiot

Camila [7:24 pm]: Well that's what me and her are right?? It's not like we've done anything more than what friends do

Dinah [7:26 pm]: Oh yeah okay... You're right, friends just flirt with each other every day.

Dinah [7:27 pm]: The least you could have said was that you guys were talking!

Camila [7:28 pm]: Ugh well I'm sorry ok! I don't know what I was thinking

Dinah [7:29 pm]: You shouldn't be apologizing to me. I think I know what this is about though

Camila [7:31 pm]: What are you talking about??

Dinah [7:33 pm]: You told Lauren that you guys were just friends because you're afraid that if you said you guys were anything more than that then you'd feel obligated to tell her about you.

Camila [7:34 pm]: Well how exactly do you think I'm supposed to tell her about me?!Like oh hey Lauren I run a multimillion dollar company and btw, I got this bad rep about me because I was an addict that used to hook up with all these girls but you know, you can just find all the gossip and tea about that on google!!!

Dinah [7:35 pm]: You could start out by telling her that you're not a travel agent. Mila, your past is your past. You can't reverse it, but you've changed and your better now.

Camila [7:36 pm]: It will change everything if I tell her

Camila [7:40 pm]: You know it will Dinah.

Dinah [7:42 pm]: The only way to know for sure is if you tell her.

You Had Me At Hello (Texting Story/Camren)Where stories live. Discover now