Seventy (Final Chapter)

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Although she was confused by Camila's text message, Lauren obeyed and got dressed quickly to go downstairs and outside of her apartment building.

"Good morning Ms. Lauren," Joaquin greeted as he extended his hand to help the green-eyed girl walk down the steps.

"Good morning," Lauren said with a puzzled expression on her face. "Is Camila in there?" she asked, referring to the black SUV in front of them.

"Ms. Cabello is not, but she is waiting for you. She had instructed me to pick you up," Joaquin informed her.

Without further ado, Lauren deliberately got inside of the car as Joaquin sat on the driver's side and drove away from the apartment. Wanting some answers, the green-eyed girl pulled out her cellular device to text none other than Camila.

Lauren [11:04 am]: Soo where exactly is Joaquin taking me?

Camila [11:06 am]: It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you

Lauren [11:08 am]: Well I want to make sure that you didn't go crazy and is having your driver kidnap me

Camila [11:09 am]: That actually wouldn't be a bad idea if I kidnapped you...

Lauren [11:11 am]: Ughhh Camila

Lauren [11:12 am]: Can you just tell me?

Camila [11:14 am]: Sorry I saw it was 11:11 so I was making a wish

Camila [11:15 am]: But would you just relax?? You're being dramatic

Grumbling to herself, the green-eyed girl then stayed quiet for the rest of the car ride.

The ride seemed to last forever as Lauren was rather anxious about where the end of the trip would take her. She knew that she would be safe, but it was the fact that she had no control over the situation that made her feel the way she did.

Finally, the car went to a stop. Joaquin opened the door for the green-eyed girl and assisted her in stepping out of the black SUV.

In front of her was a tall pastel yellow house which overlooked the ocean. The house stood by itself with no other neighboring houses anywhere near it. Before the green-eyed girl had a chance to grasp everything, Joaquin began to speak.

"Ms. Cabello is inside waiting for you," the man in a suit began. "She had asked me to take you here but instructed for me to stay outside."

"She hadn't gone crazy and is in there with a knife ready to stab me, is she?" Lauren joked causing the Joaquin to chuckle lightly.

"Between you and I Ms. Lauren, Ms. Cabello can be a little crazy sometimes especially when it comes to you, but best be assured that she would never do anything to put your life at risk," Joaquin replied sincerely followed by a smile.

Lauren thanked the man for driving before walking along the brick pathway and into the light yellow house.

A sense of coziness hit Lauren as she entered the home. The interior of the house was nothing like where Camila was staying in New York. There was a fireplace in the living room which took up a huge amount of space. Although she was inside, the green-eyed girl was still met with the brightness of the sunlight in the room due to the large window panels all along the side of the house.

"Camila?" Lauren called out as she was still exploring the interior.

"I'm in here!' she heard Camila call out from afar.

Following the voice, Lauren managed to make her way to the indoor patio where the smaller girl was. Camila was sitting down in front of a white grand piano that matched the surroundings of the room. Along that was rose petals scattered all across the floor.

You Had Me At Hello (Texting Story/Camren)Where stories live. Discover now