Fights Happen

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Woah, the amount of reads this has is crazy. Almost 7,000. Thank you so, so much. I went back and reread my first stories and cringed so hard. So, I'm going back and editing the first few and making some longer or adding more detail. Thank you so much again. 

Another author note

So.. over 30 thousand reads. WHAT dakfhdafk THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Also, you may want to skip the first few because trust me, they're terrible. I promise they get a bit better. Thank you for reading I hope you enjoy :)

Percy's POV

   Annabeth was being a bitch, and I've had enough of it. She was yelling at me for some other thing that I did and that's when I blew up. Living with someone isn't as easy as it seems.

   "You never do anything around our apartment, I have to clean up after ev-"

    "Well maybe one of us should leave if we cant agree on living together!" I yelled and a glass of water turned into a mini tsunami. The glass fell over onto Annabeth. She got a little wet but she didn't seem bothered by that. Instead she was looking at me.

     Tears were in Annabeth's eyes and I realized I hurt her, but emotionally. I tried to hug her but she pulled away.

      "Fine! If you want me gone so badly I'll leave!" she said. Her gray eyes were storming with anger. She turned around grabbed her shoes and coat and left me to stand there alone with tears in my eyes.

    An hour has passed and I tried calling Annabeth more than a hundred times but she wouldn't answer. I plopped onto the couch and tried to think of where she might be.

  Then it popped into my head. She was probably with Piper and Jason, in their apartment. I called Jason and he answered.

  "I'm guessing your calling about Annabeth?" he said.

    "Yeah, can I talk to her?" I pleaded.

   "I'm sorry man, she wont talk to anyone.  All she said was that she needed a place to sleep for the night until she finds a hotel."

  She didn't say "or until me and Percy make up." and that broke me, but I contained himself.

  "Okay thanks, tell her that she can come back or call whenever." I would've wanted to say more but didn't want to make Jason feel awkward.

  "Okay, bye." Jason hung up.

  I sat back down on the couch and thought of ways I could try to talk to Annabeth.

Annabeth's POV

   2 hours. 2 hours without Percy. I miss him so much already, but I cant go back. He probably hates me. He's probably already got someone new, making out with her on what used to be OUR couch. I tried to take that thought out of my mind but it still lingered. This was worst than holding the entire sky on your shoulders (speaking from experience) I wanted to run back into his arms, ruffle that jet black hair of his and look deeply into his sea-green eyes.

   A knock on the door pushed me back into reality. I opened the door and saw Piper. She gave me a hug and I broke down. I started crying.

   "Hey, hey its okay." she said trying to calm me down.

    "He probably has someone new al-already." I said through my sniffles.

     "Trust me Annabeth, he wont be able to find anyone else who would go through hell with him and back. Literally." That made me laugh a bit.

    "You look exhausted, get some sleep." she said. I nodded and she left the room. I laid down on the bed and immediately fell asleep.

I had a nightmare about Percy hating me, and laughing at me. He had some red-head in his arms. He looked down at me like I was some sort of trash he could throw away instantly. I woke up silently crying. I stayed awake the rest of the night, thinking about Percy.

   I finally had enough and called Percy. He was probably asleep but I didn't care. 

   Love isn't patient.

   He picked up.

    "Annabeth I'm so sorry, you have no idea how much I love you. If I ever lost you, I-I wouldn't be able to live with myself. You make me a better person, a happy person, a strong person. I understand if you don't love me but I needed to tell you this, before its too late and you find someone else." I could hear him crying. I was crying.

    I hung up and ran to my car, even though I was in Pipers pajamas.

   Percy's POV

   When she hung up, I thought that's the end, she doesn't love you, she never will. Its over. I sank to the floor, wanting Hades to kill me now.

  Then I heard a frantic knock. I slumped and walked over and opened the door. I didn't even get a glimpse of who it was before they were hugging me. I realized it was Annabeth.

  "I'm sorry" she whispered.

  I pulled away from the hug and looked into her gleaming gray eyes. She had tear streaks on her cheeks. I kissed her so passionately i had to hold onto Annabeth because she was about to fall. we pulled away and smiled at each other. 

                 If the gods couldn't separate us, nothing can.


I'm fangirling over on the other side of the screen.

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