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This was an idea put in by @writergirl1255 Thanks so much!

This is an AU story.


I looked at the pregnancy test and my face dropped along with my heart. I fell to the floor. What am I going to tell my mom? What about my friends? High School? College? Everything seemed as a question now. I immediately took out the other test and did that one and it came out positive again. I threw the test across the bathroom and it hit the door. I fell on the floor and cried. I was pregnant at 17.



I was debating on whether or not telling him about the...the thing. I knew I had to. I decided that texting wasn't a great way to tell him he was gonna be a father so we decided to meet up at the park.

I saw him and my stomach turned and twisted. What if he doesn't love me anymore?

"Hey, babe," He leaned down and kissed me. All the memories came back to me like I was watching a movie. Why didn't we use protection? Why did we have to be so drunk?

"Hey, Luke," I said nervously. He knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" He asked with the confusion on his face.

"Um, well. I-I need to tell you. I'm-I'm pregnant." I tried to avoid eye contact. He grabbed my arm hard, making me look up at him.

"Is this a joke!? Your not pregnant! It's not mine! I don't want anything to do with it! Get the hell away from me!" and with that, he left.



I don't know what to do anymore. Luke and I haven't talked and no one else knows. Luke wouldn't tell anyone since he knows it's his baby. I have bruises on my arm where he had grabbed me. I still haven't told my mom. I just want to curl up in a ball and die. But the baby bump was starting to get noticeable and I knew I had to tell her. I went downstairs to the kitchen where my mom was making dinner.

"Hey, sweetheart," she seemed so happy. That's all gonna change with just two words.

"Hey, mom. I have to tell you something." she looked up from the salad she was making and turned to me.


"Well, you know my boyfriend, um, look one day we went to this party and there was a lot of drinks. We went back to his house and we were both extremely drunk. I didn't know what I was doing. I took a pregnancy test about three weeks ago and it was positive. I-I'm pregnant." again I didn't make eye contact.

When my mom started yelling I jumped. She was yelling at me like crazy. I ran to my room. I could hear her footsteps coming up the stairs. I locked my door and grabbed my backpack. I got another backpack for my school stuff. I grabbed some extra clothes, my phone and charger with some headphones, my laptop, and went out my window. My house wasn't too tall so I'd be fine if I jumped.

I jumped out just in time before my mom unlocked the door with a key. I ran to the nearest bus stop. I looked at my watch. 6:47 P.M. on Sunday. Tomorrow we'd have school. I didn't know what to do.



School was horrible. I usually don't have any friends to talk to so that kinda sucks. But also my grades have been going down fast. Ugh, life? Why?

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