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Tears welled in your eyes are you watched Ben try to squirm free of the chains that held him down. When Ben was stung, it was like your world was pulled out from right under your dusty boots. You didn't eat for days on end, you would barely see Newt, Minho or Thomas. Life had become worthless. You were trying everything in your power to fix him but you just didn't have the correct supplies.

"Y/N, please, help," Ben coughed, his voice was as weak as he looked.

"I'm trying!" You scream at him in frustration.

"Not hard enough!" He yells, saliva flying from the corners of his mouth.

"I'm trying!" You repeated, searching through the cabinets of the med-jack tent, "I'm shucking trying!"

Ben let out another scream of frustration as the chains pulled him back. Your breathing quickened as you fumbled through the cabinets, tears spilling from your eyes. You pulled every medication from the cabinet. It was no use, you had already tried everything in the shucking cabinets. It wasn't helping that the rattling of the chains seemed to become louder every second.

"You're a shank. A no good shank. You can't even save your best friend," Ben growled, you kept your back towards him, not daring to face him.

"You're a klunking shank!" He screamed, making more tears spill from your eyes.

"I'm trying, I'm trying," you repeated once more, nothing else was able to come out of your mouth.

You knew this wasn't the Ben you knew. The Ben you knew was kind, courageous, caring, selfless and funny. The Ben you knew wouldn't be saying all these things, it was the venom that the grievers injected into him. It had manipulated his mind to say or do crazy things, like what he was doing to you.

You stared at Ben's once lively eyes. The veins had become prominent and they were full of insanity. It's your fault they're like that. You could have done something but you didn't, you just cried. You slammed the cabinet door shut and fell to the floor.

Small wails of sadness released from your mouth as you listen to Ben's cries for help. You cupped your hands over your ears, hoping that it would block out the cries.

"Stop, stop, stop!" You screamed, rocking back and forth.

He didn't stop, he screamed louder and more insulting things than ever. Useless shank, worthless piece of klunk, a coward and the worst one of them all;

"You know, Newt doesn't care about you. He feels sorry for you. He feels sorry that you're the only girl in the shucking place," he laughs maniacally.

You tried to ignore the words that slipped from his mouth but you couldn't handle it anymore. You gave into his words. You gave in to the message that was burning into your brain. All you ever are to Newt is a useless shank. He only wanted your for the pleasure, just like everybody else in this glade.

Suddenly, just on cue, the door swung open and there stood a very concerned Newt.

Repair | Newt x Reader ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now