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You sat up in a tree and stared blankly at the sky. You felt completely numb, there wasn't a single feeling in your body except for the growing pain everytime you moved your hand. You didn't mind it though, it was reassuring you that you could feel at least something. You wondered when Newt would find you. Maybe he was respecting your privacy since you did scream at him not to follow you. A big part of you wished that he did. You wanted him there so badly.

It wasn't just Newt that you wanted. You wanted anybody there. Minho, Chuck, Thomas even. It would be a long while before anybody would bother to even look for you since you carried on like a psychopath. Banging on the concrete walls of the maze, screaming for Ben to come back. You could tell Newt was tense, trying to get you to call down. He was acting slightly jealous at the way you reacted even though Ben was just a friend. Then it slowly came to your mind that Newt probably didn't want to even find you. He wasn't respecting your privacy, he was mad at you. Fair enough.

Your eyes fell on a carving that was right near your hands. You almost fell out of the tree when you saw it. Greenie & Ben were here. Just as you feared, more tears streamed from your face as you ran your fingers lightly over the top of the engraving. Suddenly, your frown was replaced with a smile as you remember what happened that day.

"So you like Newt, huh," Ben smirked as you both climbed into the tree.

"Somebody is jealous," You joked, poking his sides.

"No way. I ship it. Newt and Y/N. It has a nice ring to it," he said, flashing a smile.

"Yeah but like he'll ever take somebody as insane as me," you huffed, pushing your back up against the branch.

"Well," his voice slightly raised into a higher pitch, "He may or may not like you back."

"Shut up!" You laughed, throwing a leaf at him.

Ben shakes his head and picked up a loose stick, "Hey, let's engrave our names."

"Why?" You questioned, taking a swig of the stolen moonshine.

"You're my best friend and I don't want to forget this day," Ben flashed a goofy grin.

"You're such a girl," You joked, throwing another leaf at him which obviously missed.

The two of you engraved 'greenie' and 'Ben' into the tree, both letting out small fits of laughter as you joked around.

"Hey, lovebirds, dinner," a familiar voice called out.

"The only lovebirds are you two," Ben chuckled, climbing down the tree.

A sudden pink colour rushed to your cheeks as you follow Ben down the ladder.

"I'll leave you to it," Ben winks and quickly jogs away from Newt and I.

"What was that about," Newt laughed, licking his dry lips.

"Nothing," you lied, not daring to make eye-contact with him. You tried to storm off but he grabbed your arm.

"What was that all about," he asked, his chocolate brown eyes searching your face.

"I like you," you whispered.

And you'll never forget the look on Newt's face when you told him.

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