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More hours passed of you sitting in your tree. The sun had gone to sleep just like many other gladers. Your back began to ache from sitting in the same position for hours but you didn't want to move. The longing feeling for somebody to be there had passed and you liked the idea of being alone. But something deep down, told you that you need Newt.

A cold gust of wind blew over your bare shoulders, making goosebumps cover your body. You pulled Newt's white sweater that was tied around your waist and wrapped it around your body. You leant your head against the tree branch and just as you were closing your eyes you saw something. Someone. Ben.

"Ben?" You questioned softly, making sure you were seeing things right.

"You did this," Ben scolded, holding up his decapitated arm.

You gasped from shock and fell from the tree, hitting your head on the hard roots of the tree. When you slowly opened your eyes, Ben was gone. You felt the side of your head, your dry fingers soon became drenched. In blood.

"Shuck," you muttered and held your hand on top of your wound.

Slowly, you bent down and tied Newt's jumper around your waist. You stumbled back to the empty campus. Your vision was growing blurry and your head-ache became more unbearable with every step you took. After, what seemed like forever, you got to the Homestead. You made your way to the med-jacks room and tripped over a loose floorboard, falling on top of the makeshift bed.

"Shuck!" You whisper yelled as more pain spread throughout your body.

You rummaged around the place until you found a bandage. The place was a mess, just like you were. You hadn't got a chance to clean up after you had the mental breakdown yesterday. Taking a seat on the bed, you pulled the bandage around your head. It was quite dark so it was quite difficult but you managed. You then walked back over to the bench and picked up a pain killer and swalloed it dry. Finally, you made your way back to the bedroom you shared with Newt.

You prayed that Newt would be there with open arms to welcome you back. But to your dismay the room was just as empy as your heart. Your heart sunk deep into your chest as you sat on the end of the bed and took off your boots. Maybe Newt didn't want to face you. Maybe all the gladers were gathered around a fire, making fun of the way you screamed and cried.

You lay the top half your body down on the bed while your legs still hand to the side of the bed. And in that moment, you began to sob uncontroablly. Not becuase you missed Ben or becuase your whole body ached with pain. But beacause you wanted Newt. And only Newt.

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