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Sadly, Newt released you from his embrace. You wanted to scream for him to never let you go but you had already proven that you were slowly going crazy and you didn't want to add to the mix. Newt made his way over to the bench and picked up a needle. He then reached into the cabinets and grabbed out a serum. It was the serum that we used to knock out a patient if surgery was needed. You felt stupid that you hadn't thought of that while he was screaming at the top of his lungs. Then again, you haven't had a moment to yourself since Ben was stung, you were slowly growing insane.

You watched nervously as Newt brought the needle over to Ben. He swiftly jabs it into Ben's neck and Ben gradually stops struggling to get out of the chains. You watched Ben's chest slowly fall back into a normal breathing pattern.

Newt played with his lip for a moment, watching Ben fall into a slight coma. He then made his way back towards you and he took the hand you had punched the wall with and inspected it, being as gentle as possible.

"What did he say to you," he asked, his voice was quiet and calming.

You sucked in a deep breath and began to explain, "He called me useless, worthless, shank, klunk." You had to stop, tears were forming in your eyes again.

Your boyfriend brought his thumb to your cheek and wiped away the tears that had dripped down your cheeks.

"You are none of those things, my love," he smiled as he wet a cloth, still holding onto your hand.

"Maybe," you trailed off, glancing at Ben.

"No maybes. You aren't. You are strong, intelligent and courageous. I could go on for hours listing everything I love about you," his voice was soft as he spoke. He was pressing the ice-cold cloth to my bruising knuckles.

"What did he-" Newt stopped himself for a moment and stared into your eyes then glanced back down to your hand, "What did he say that made you scream at me."

"He told me," you stopped for a moment, which made Newt instantly look up to you and laid his concerned brown eyes on you. You took a deep breath and began to speak again, "He told me that you said I was nothing but something to pleasure you. That you felt sorry for me, t-that I was nothing to you."

"Love," he whispered softly and dropped the cloth from his fingers.

He pulled you into a tight hug, it was as if he was clinging to you for dear life.

"You are everything thing to me, you hear that? I love you so bloody much, Y/N. Don't you dare forget that! Don't you shucking dare! I don't just love you for the physical stuff, it's a great aspect of course but I love laughing at and with you. I love it when you sing me to sleep when I get nightmares. I love it when you stay up until the early hours of the morning just to talk to me about anything and everything. I love it when you smile. I love it when you get jealous of Teresa when I talk to her. I care about you so much."

Happy tears sprung to your eyes as you listened to every last word that escaped his mouth.

"Thank you," you whispered. Just for him to hear. Those words were for Newt and Newt only.

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