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Ben stood staring at you through his lifeless eyes. Black liquid dripped from his mouth. He was holding his decapitated arm in his hand again.

"This is your fault!" He screamed, throwing his arm towards you.

You let out a loud scream and scrambled away from the arm. You tried with all your might but you couldn't run away, it was as if you were glued to the ground. Ben came charging towards you and you let out another scream as he tackles you to the ground. He raised his fist and punched the wound that was slowly healing on your forehead.

"Somebody help! Newt? Please!" You screamed as loud as you could and you tried to open your mouth again but Ben's grimy fingers wrapped around your throat.

"Newt won't help you, shank. Newt," he put his face close to yours, "doesn't care about you."

Tears streamed from your eyes as his grip tightened around your throat, making it harder and harder to breathe.

Suddenly, you were pulled away from Ben and back into reality.

"Y/N! Y/N!" Newt was shaking you, doing his best to wake you up.

You opened your eyes to see Newt staring down at yours, his eyebrows knitted in concern. Your eyes didn't meet with his, you didn't want them too. You were ashamed of yourself so you just rolled on your side, back facing Newt.

"Y/N, did you dream about Ben?" He whispered, crawling into bed next to you.

You didn't bother to answer him. You stayed silent, staring at the wall.

"Talk to me," he put a hand on your back and you flinched at the gesture.

"Please, love," he pleaded, burying his face in the crook of your neck.

You sighed and began to explain the dream to him. He didn't say a word until you finished explaining the dream. You felt his arm fall over your stomach and he kissed your neck softly.

"This is so unfair. Y/N, it is not your fault. Not one bit. It's those bloody shanks who put us here. It's their fault and don't you think for a second that it is yours. And I care about you so much. I will always be here to protect you, my love," his soothing accent made you feel safe and warm.

Your stiffened body became more relaxed into Newt's arms. The two of you stayed silent for a few minutes, every now and then Newt would peck your neck, letting you know he was still there. You played with his fingers, another thing Newt loved. He found it cute when you fiddled with them when you were nervous.

"Newt, I need to tell you something," you state, dropping his fingers from your own.

"What is it," he questioned, lifting his head from your neck and looked down upon you.

"I-" There was a short pause but you continued your confession, "I love you."

Newt's breath hitched as he lowered his head back to your neck before he spoke, "I love you too."

You smiled at his response. You had been dating for a little over five months but you hadn't confessed your love yet. This was the first time you got to truly confess how you felt and it was a splendid feeling.

"Good that," you muttered before falling into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.

the end.

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