Penny - Can It Get Any Worse?

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I sigh, replaying the video of Talon's escape for like the fifth time today. I trusted William to just do a routine check, but after breaking Talon out, he's a wanted man too. And life's got worse for Talon on the justice side of things - he's now wanted dead or alive.

My Code-X beeps.

emergency message from Chief Quimby - Code Black - meet in his Office ASAP.

Code black? That's only for reeeeeeeeeally serious stuff. Talon's escape was a code red so this must be B-A-D bad.

I bolt out of the room and sprint through the corridors, barely missing agents as I push through the door into the Chief's office.

'I came here as soon as I could.' I say panting. He nods and indicates me to take a seat.

'MAD have done what they wanted with the President and released him.' he says sadly. My eyes widen. 'What--' I start, but he raises a hand to silence me.

'MAD have brainwashed the President in their favour, and we have no idea what Claw has in store.' the Chief tells me grimly. My blood runs cold I have to hand it to Dr. Claw, this is one of his most evil plans yet.

'Von Slicktein is working on a cure, but we're not sure how long it'll take. You have to keep a strong eye out for anything sinister Penny.' he says. I nod, still shocked and run out of the room.

I run into my room and slump against my bed. I take out my emergency crisps, cheese and onion duhh, and sigh.

Something on my desk catches my eye - my photo book. A smile crosses my lips and I pick it up.

I flick through the pages, each photo triggering a happy (or cringy) memory. I stop at an older photo. It's me, when I'm about six. There's someone stood next to me, and we're in the park with chocolate ice cream smeared all around our mouths. I stroke the photo gently, trying to remember who the boy is.

Wait a second-- tanned skin. Chocolate brown eyes. Mischievous grin. Dark hair. Oh my god. The person is Talon! I knew Talon when I was six? I groan and shut the book.

An invisible lightbulb switches on above my head as an idea strikes. I pull up my Code-X and log on to MySpyPlace. I find Talon's user - talonthelegend (which is my instagram) - and unblock it.

~messages with Talonthelegend~

Codexgirl_99: Hey Talon, this is Penny. I just wanted to let you know that we were friends when we were six, seriously I found a photograph of us with chocolate icecream smeared around our mouths. That's not the point, the point is no matter if you're evil and I'm not, I care about you Tal.


I did it. I told Talon how I feel.




He's this perfect, handsome, strong, tall person and I'm just me.

I'm such an idiot.

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