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I'll warn you now AND THIS IS FOR THE ENTIRE BOOK. There will be cussing, possibly a lot of it. If I offend someone's religious beliefs I apologize, tell me and I'll fix it. I will tread carefully because I know religious beliefs are very important to everyone. I just don't want to unintentionally hurt you. If I get something wrong about your religion (even though I doubt I'll delve deep into any religion) please tell me and I will correct it or take it out completely. As I said, I am not here to offend, I just want to write and enjoy writing. So please tell me. Again, cussing, possible gory scenes, religion.

Most scenes will not be very graphic, I'll put a warning before each chapter to tell you what it is. This book is not to offend or hurt anyone, I simply want to write and have fun. If I get a complaint about a chapter, it will most-likely be re-written or deleted. I understand some people might be upset, but I'd rather have you upset for deleting an offensive chapter than have someone upset for offending their religious/spiritual/personal beliefs. If it's something like sexuality or sex (male/female/neither/both/etc.), that will most likely be ignored because I don't see a problem with it because I don't write offensive things about those.

But if I get something in your specific religion wrong, call me out on it. If I offend you because of writing about a religion you don't believe in, I deeply apologize but it is a religion and it is something that I would only put in my book if necessary (aka Christianity because of angels).

Obviously, because it's me, there will be gay relationships (scomiche). Please keep rude comments to yourself, I have never received hateful or mean comments, but I will never appreciate them. Hateful comments are not the same as constructive criticism!!

Everything in this book is from my imagination or research. It might be obvious which is which, if I need to clarify please tell me and I will. I'm not sure if this part is necessary, but I like to cover all grounds.

I will try to remember regular updates, but I'm trying to graduate early so I have a lot of school work to do. I might not take chapter requests, if you have any ideas I will consider, but I basically have every detail of each character planned out. Some of this book will have connections to the first book (obviously) so if you haven't read it please do so.

Okay, I have wasted enough of your life with this note, enjoy!

~ nerdi 🤓

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