The Story

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Felix Pov
"I can't leave this room for an eternity." I softly said. She looked at me confused. "Why can't you leave this room?" I shook my head and ushered her out the door. "I'll tell you when you get back." She just stopped and shook her head. "I'm just going to get food, you can tell me now."

I sighed and motioned her to sit. We both sat down and I waited for her to settle before I started. She quickly sat down and stared at me, wanting me to start the story. I sighed heavily and began my story. "The reason why I can't leave this room is because....." I stopped as tears welled up in my eyes as I remembered what happened in the past. She looked concerned and scooted beside me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Never mind! It's okay! You can tell me when you're ready." She got up and opened the door to leave. "I'll be back I promise." Then she shut the door as she walked out of the room. I laid on my side next to the door as tears escaped. I closed my eyes and thought back to the past.


"Hey Felix!" I turned around and see my childhood friend and crush, she was so beautiful and intelligent.

"Hey Rose!" I ran down my driveway to meet her at the gate. "Ready to go?" She asked excitedly. I nodded and opened the gate and we both walked down the street.

We took a bus and headed to the Mireuksa ancient ruins for a project we had to do. We were halfway there when she tapped me on the arm. "Felix?" I turned to her with a smile. "Yes?" She looked nervous and was huddling close to me. "I'm kind of scared, I heard from other kids that ruins can be creepy places and that something bad might happen, like being cursed!" I sighed and wrapped my arms around her. "Nothing is going to happen, I promise." She looked up at me with a nervous smile. "Promise?" I nodded. "Promise." Then I looked back out the window with her wrapped around me.

We got off the bus and headed into the ruins. "Wow! This is pretty cool!" I exclaimed excitedly. We walked in and looked at all of the old and worn down walls. We took pictures and wrote things down on what we saw. "It's kind of empty today." She said nervously. I suddenly just realized and assured her that today is a weekday so of course it's empty. "C'mon lets go this way."

We walked towards a giant temple. I took a few shots and she took down notes. "Do you want to do something?!" I asked as a sly smile creeped onto my face. She looked at me confused. "What is it?" She asked with a cocked eyebrow. I smirked and looked at the temple. "Since there's not a lot of people you want to sneak inside?" She looked at me with widen eyes. "Are you crazy?!!" I walked up to her and took her by the hand. "Just for a little bit!" Then I lifted her up and over the barrier fence then I climbed over it and we both made our way inside.

"Felix! I'm really scared!" She whispered. I held her hands tight. "It's okay I'm right here, I'll protect you! I promise." She sighed and we continued doing our project. I headed up as she finished her notes. I continued to take a few shots here and there of what was inside the temple.

"Wow! This is so co-" I suddenly heard Rose scream in terror. "Rose?!!!" I ran back and saw that there was a huge hole where Rose was standing. "Rose?!! Are you down there?!" I leaned over, but the hole seemed to go down for miles. "Rose!!!!" Tears started streaming down my face. I suddenly heard muffled sounds down the hole. "Rose?!" I heard more muffled sounds. "Felix?!" I heard her cry out.

I sighed in relief hearing her voice. "Are you okay?!" I shouted down the hole. "Yeah! I'm-" she suddenly started to scream again. "Rose?!! What's wrong?!!" I heard her cry and scream for help. "Felix!! Help!!!" Tears started to flow again and without hesitation I jumped down the hole. I got ready to feel the impact of the ground but I was just surprised to fall into water.

I quickly swam up and saw that I was in a cave with writing and torches hanging on the walls. "Rose-" I felt something grab my ankle and pull me down. I opened my eyes and saw Rose floating with a rope tied around her ankles to prevent her from floating up. I looked down and saw a rope tied around my ankles too. With all my strength I swam towards her and slowly made it to her. I shook her shoulders hoping she'll wake up. And to my relief, she slowly opened her eyes and met mine. I pulled her into a hug, relieved that she was okay.

Suddenly, Rose jolted against me. I broke our hug and looked at her. My eyes widened. There was a arrow stuck in her back and blood slowly started to float around her. She gave me a small smile, but before I could do anything else, another arrow hit her. She weakly cupped my cheeks and wiped away my tears as she knew I was crying before the rope pulled her down and out of sight, just leaving a trail of blood behind. I cried out but it was just muffled by water.

I looked up and someone popped in front of me. My eyes widen because that person was me but it was also not me. His eyes were pitch black and blood was flowing down his face. He smirked and I could see his fangs shining at me. "Can you hear me?" His low, raspy voice echoed through the water. I was surprised that I could actually hear him clearly underwater. "You guys dare to intrude my temple?! Well.....what's your punishment? You already saw what happened to that girl, now I thought of something else for you."

He leaned in closer to me. "I'm gonna somewhat let you live....I'll possess your soul! I'll switch body's whenever I feel like it and you get to somewhat live! You get to continue living in this torturous life! " My eyes widened. I tried to swim away but then he pounced on me and inserted his fangs into my neck. I felt the pressure on my neck as he ripped part of my neck away. Everything was blurry but I could see the evil spirit smirking with part of my neck in his mouth. The rope around my ankle pulled me down where it taken Rose, then the whole place went pitch black.


I heard muffled voices and crying. I shot my eyes open to see me inside my room. I saw my parents crying while packing up my things. "What's going on?!" I heard someone laughing behind me, I quickly turn around and see him. "Is it not obvious? You died." He smirked. "From now on, you will be trapped in this room, you will never be able to leave this room EVER!! Tough luck I guess?! It was your choice and your choice led to death!!" He laughed. "Until....someone finds that girl and your body on the bottom of my temple, you will be stuck here forever!" He smirked. "And!! Whenever you find that girls soul! She will be born again as another girl because she wasn't the one to choose her fate because you chose it for her! And once you find her, you have till sunset before you disappear and separate once again from her! But for now, your soul is mine!" Then he sucked himself into my body.

Unheard Voices||Lee Felix✔️Where stories live. Discover now