The End

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Y/N Pov
After that day where both Felix and Changbin left. Me and Isabella got closer as friends and helped each other get over the incidents. But in our hearts we only wanted one thing, the one thing that will never come true. There are always gonna be an empty spot in our hearts that can only be filled by one thing. But that one thing will never come back to us.

As the years went by, the grass started growing and flowers started to bloom and I finally got the house fixed. After both souls left in peace, the house seem to fall together into a beautiful modern house.

Chan and me got closer as friends and he even became one of my best guy friends. He even started to have feelings for me but I knew I couldn't love him with someone still missing in my heart.

7 years later~

"Hey Y/N!" Isabella greeted me at the front desk of the hospital. "What are you doing here?" She asked cheerfully. I just shrugged. "I just wanted to see if you had any plans later. If you don't, maybe coffee? Dinner?" I suggested. She just laughed. "I think I'm free later." She smiled. "Okay then!" I laughed. "Oh yeah! Y/N guess what?!" She said excitedly. I looked at her curiously waiting for her to go on. "My boss is retiring and a new boss is coming to fill his place."

My eyes widened in curiosity. "Really?!" She nodded excitedly. "I hope he's a good boss!" She sighed nervously. "I bet he'll be a great boss! Don't worry! If he's not, I'll come back here and kick his butt back to where he came from!" I crossed my arms as I tried to look confident. She just laughed at my stupid gestures and went back to her paperwork. " how have you been Isabella?" I asked breaking the awkward silence between us. "Normal as always." She said without looking up from her work. "Still hurting?" I spoke up.

She stopped her work and looked up at me. "Are you still hurting?" She asked me. I was taken back that she asked me the same question but I just nodded sadly. "Then that's how I feel." She said before she looked back down at the papers that started to pile up. I suddenly heard loud laughing coming in from the entrance. I turned around to see who these loud people were when my eyes widened at who it was! "Isabella!" She looked up confused. "What is i-" She quickly covered her mouth as she saw who I was looking at.

Changbin walked in laughing with a girl wrapped around his arm. Isabella was on the verge of bursting into tears as she saw the girl hugging tightly to Changbin. Changbin wore a stunning suit with sunglasses and the girl was wearing a very stylish dress. Changbin then turned and looked at us, eyes meeting Isabella's.

He whispered over to the girl and walked over to us. He leaned his arm on the counter and looked at Isabella. "Can you help me find someone in this hospital? They owe me something big time!" He said causally like he never knew her. "Y-yeah, sure." She stuttered. "Who is it that you're looking for?" She tried to say causally as she wiped away her tears. "Wait! Let me tell my sister to get something out of the car." He turned around and shouted over to his sister in the stylish dress. I could hear Isabella sigh relieved that she wasn't his girlfriend or wife.

As soon as his sister left, he turned back around chuckling. "Sorry, excuse me for that!" He smiled. "No problem." Isabella said trying to hold her tears in. "So who's this person you're looking for?" She asked again.


He said as he took off his glasses with tears in his eyes. "You haven't changed at all.....Isabella." He smirked. That was her breaking point and she burst out crying. She jumped up and ran on the other side of the desk and both of them embraced each other tightly. "I missed you!" He whispered. "I missed you too!" She cried. I quickly wiped my tears away as I saw them happy and together again.

"You thought that my sister was my girlfriend or wife didn't you?" He laughed at Isabella. "Of course I did! When I saw her arms wrapped around you, I was so heartbroken!" She jokingly laughed but tears kept falling. Changbin just smiled and patted her back to comfort her.

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