The Bracelet

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Y/N Pov
Once I entered my car, I laid my head on the steering wheel and cried. I didn't know what came over me but I just felt sad and lonely inside seeing him like that. We just met and I'm crying over a demon, ghost, grim reaper? Whatever he is! I wiped my tears away and started the car and drove away to the nearest store to get some food and supplies.

As I looked through the isles of the store, I came upon the room decor section, a small white box caught my eye in the corner of the top shelf. I reached up and grabbed it by the corner and let it fall into my hands. I opened up to see a simple gold double pearl bracelet inside. I thought it was cute and I don't have many bracelets anyways so I might as well get it. I held the small box in my hand and continued looking around.

After awhile, I felt like Felix was getting a little lonely so I paid for my things and headed home. I laughed at the thought of Felix sitting on the ground wining why it took me so long. "Why are you laughing about unnatural things?!" I slapped myself as I continued driving. I looked down at the bracelet on my wrist that I bought earlier. It seemed kind of familiar, maybe my mom had a bracelet like this? I shrugged off the feeling and reverted my eyes back onto the road.

As I reached, I guess you can say home, I walked up to the gate and pushed it open and not even walk a step inside before someone stopped me. "Miss?!" I quickly turn around surprised. "Gosh! You scared me!!" The old grandpa bowed in apology. "I'm sorry, but I was wondering since you live here now that if something strange has happened?" I knew there were a lot of things that happened but I just shook my head assuring him that everything was fine. "Are you sure?! There's a story on this house that it's curse!" My eyes widened. " Curse....?!" He nodded his head. "They said the first family that moved here years and years ago had a son, but one day he just disappeared! Everyone thought that he was dead but no one has ever found the body. So that couple moved and a new family moved in but they said that their kids kept talking to themselves, or should I say talking to someone and some of their families has died too!"

How he explained the story gave me chills down my back. "Eventually no one moved back in for more then 60 years now!" I nodded knowing that no one has lived here in a long time until me. "You're the only one who lives here since six decades ago!" He exclaimed. "Are you sure nothing weird has happened?!" He questioned. I quickly shook my head. "No! Nothing at all!" He looked at me suspiciously then back at the house. "This is the closest I been to this house in forever!" He huffed, then he walked on with his business.

Well that was weird! I turned back and walked into the house. I quickly put all the groceries away then ran upstairs to Felix's room. I grabbed the handle and walked in expecting Felix to be waiting, but he was no where in sight. "Felix?" Suddenly someone pulled my arms back making me turn towards them but when I did turn, I got another hand wrapped around my neck and got raised up into the air. My eyes widened in fear. "Miss me?" The bloody monster smirked.

Felix Pov
I laid there crying for awhile thinking back to my past and why I'm here. From then till now, I'm still confused about me and Rose and about why this evil spirit wants to keep my soul! I've always felt guilty for putting Rose and her family in so much pain. I miss her so much!! She could be having a happy life right now with her own family but she's missing at the bottom of a temple.

I stood up and walked over to the small window where the only source of light comes through into the dark and cold room. I looked out to see if I could see her coming back but all I saw was the dead grass and the iron gates that surrounds the house. I can't believe that I want her to come back home but I think I just really want to tell her my past.

Hopefully she doesn't think anything different about me except for me being a ghost of course. I sat down, leaning on the wall looking at the door waiting for it to open and see her come in smiling, wanting to see his face. "Wait?! What am I saying?!" I slapped my forehead repeatedly. "I don't want to see her!! She's just a human that moved into my house!" I turned away from the door and looked at my family's painting on the wall. That's the only thing I have left that was my parents.

"Felix....." the evil spirit chuckles. "My turn!" He then try's to push himself out. "No! Not yet!!" I strained for the pain in my chest. The evil spirit just laughs and completely comes over my body. I was too weak to fight him off! I suddenly heard her footsteps downstairs. "No!!..." My eyes widen. "Rose!" I tried to get myself back out but it was too late.

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