The Nightmare

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Felix Pov
I just sat in the cold and dark corner holding my bloody hand. I wince as my hand started to tingle in pain. I heard the demon chuckle under his voice but I just ignored him as I leaned my head against the wall. "Where are you?" I whispered as I closed my eyes. "Right here!" I shot my eyes back open and see her standing in front of me. "Y/N!!" I stood up and ran over and embraced her tightly. "I'm so glad you're okay!!" She smiled and hugged me back. "Are you okay now?!" I asked as I checked the back of her head. She nodded and broke our hug. "Felix...." she whispered. "I want to show you something." With the snap of her fingers the whole room blurred away and the next thing I knew, we were in a thick forest. "How did you do that?!" I asked as I looked around. "I'll explain later! Come with me!" She grabbed my hand and we ran deeper into the forest.

We ran pretty far until we stopped at some large bushes that blocked our way. "What are we doing here?" I asked while I tried to catch my breath. "Just come." She said not even out of breath from all the running. She pushed aside the bushes to reveal a gigantic tower. "We're almost there." She said to me as she walked towards the tower. She approached the stone wall of the tower then pressed onto one of the stones. The stone slowly pushed in and a doorway appeared as part of the wall moved aside. "Come." She said motioning me to come in. I didn't know what it was but I felt weird about her. It's like she is Y/N but she's also not her.


We walked up so many stairs that I thought we already reached heaven. "How much longer?!" I tried to complain out of breath. "Almost there." She said calmly, not even breaking a sweat. As I look up, I could see that she was right so I sucked it up and continued walking. As we reached the the final step, I collapsed onto the ground. I couldn't even speak because I was so out of breath! "Don't stop now!" And with a wave of her hands, a door magically appeared right before our eyes. She opened the door without a second thought and walked in. "Y/N...wait!" I quickly got up and rushed after her. My eyes widened at how big the room was. It was painted with beautiful artworks on the ceiling. There was a huge bed on one side of the room and a giant closet on the other. There were also paintings hanging up on the walls with a big carpet in the center. "Come!" Y/N motioned me to where she was standing in front of the balcony doors.

I followed her command and walked over, but before I could reach her, she opened up the doors and walked outside onto the balcony. I quickly rushed over and stood beside her looking out at the view. "Look over there!" She pointed over to a beautiful and almost glowing town and palace. "Wow! That's beautiful!" I said amazed. "It's called heaven." She said happily.

My eyes widened as I turned to her. "I always wanted to go there because that's where my prince is waiting!" She turned to me excitedly but she wasn't Y/N anymore. She was a whole different person! "Do you want to come with me? I heard it's a beautiful place to visit." She smiled.

I was completely lost for words and just stared at her. "Instead of going back down all those stairs I have a quicker way of getting there!" She laughed. I was completely freaked out by this new girl! Who is she?! What happened to Y/N?! "H-how?" I asked nervously. She gave me one last smile. "Like this."

She hopped up on the railing and spread her arms out. "NOOO!!" I reached out to grab her but it was too late. She leaned forward and fell out of sight. I looked over the railing to see her body fall. It was almost like in slow motion. The ground must've been 30 stories high! I saw as she fell all the way to her death. Blood was everywhere down on the ground!

Suddenly, the tower started to shake. I turned around and saw the whole place start to over grow with vines. The paintings on the ceiling started to fade. Everything in the room started to disappear. Then the tower started to crumble and breakdown. I screamed out as the I fell to my death like the other girl. "Come with me to heaven!" I heard her voice whisper in my ear. "Come with me Changbin!" "NOOOO!!!" I shouted.

"NOOOO!!!" I shot open my eyes to see myself still in same room I was in before. "It must've been a dream?!" I huffed out relieved. I suddenly jumped at the sound of someone crying. No one was here except me. I looked around but didn't see anyone. But then I found out where the crying was coming from. It was coming from inside was the demon who's crying.

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