Reality Check

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(A/N the outfit above is Serena's school outfit. Also the actresses and actors portraying the characters are meant to be envisioned at the age that they are in the story. Hope you guys like the story!)

I'm walking down the hallway and i smile at everyone I see. Well, almost everyone. I feel someone's arms around me and I look up to see my crush Cameron, and he's holding roses in his other arm.

I smile and lean in to kiss him, but he pulls away and says in an annoying little girl voice,

"Gross. Waaaake up, it's time for school."

Everything gets foggy and when I open my eyes I come face to face with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. Also  known as my little seven year old sister, Elena. I groan and pick her up so she's beside me on the bed. Elena giggles and squeals, which makes me smile. I sit up and look down at her.

"If it's time for school how come you're not dressed?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Elena puts on her innocent look and I wonder what she's done.

"Serwena, you should put lock on your phone." Elena says this adorably, but when the actual words process I jump out of bed and run to my phone.

I turn it on and I feel sick when I see that she had been on Snapchat. Elena had taken pictures of me while I was sleeping! She sent the photos to everyone on my friends list and my story. I looked like crap, and I think I was drooling. My sister is so dead...

"ELENA!!!! GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE NOW!" I hear Elena's giggle, but I need to calm down. I begin to sing Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift.

Nymphs are often calm spirits, but somewhere in the genetics line someone screwed up. I am easily irritated and Elena is mischievous. This may have to do with our father, but we don't know what Fae he is, or who he is for that matter, so no help there.

My singing is beautiful as is Elena's, so when she begins to sing with me I smile. The song is beautiful and when it comes to an end most of my anger is gone. I go back up the stairs to my room with a little bounce in my step. I quickly throw on a casual gray shirt with a neutral scarf and black jeans ripped at the knees. I put on some gray heels to match my shirt.

"I'm going to my spot Elena! I'll be back in 20, and you best be ready to go by then." I yell this loudly, because I don't know where my little sister is hiding.

My spot is just in the woods, where I feel most at peace. I'm not bound to the spot, but sometimes I feel like I am. It's the place that feels like home to me. If anyone comes to the spot for some reason I become territorial, even if it's Elena.

I open my mouth and begin to sing a random melody. I finish and when I look at my watch I gasp, it's been half an hour! Time passes so quickly here, but now I need to go. Elena has to be at school in twenty minutes and I only have ten. I race back to the house and Elena's on the steps with both our backpacks.

"Sorry I'm late, I lost track of time."

Elena looks me up and down. I swear, my sister can be such a snob and she's only seven.

"Obviously. And you're going to school with your hair like that?" Elena looks at my hair as if it broke the law.

I pat it down, and roll my eyes.

"Fine, you can do whatever you want to it in the car. Now let's go." I tell Elena meanwhile I pick up my bag.

I go a little above the speed limit and I feel Elena tease my hair with her little fingers. Finally we pull up to her school. I put the car in park and open the door. Before she gets out Elena looks at me and says,

"So what do I do about that asparas?"

I look at Elena straight on. An asparas is a sky dancer, they bless humans, and keep balance. Usually there shouldn't be any type of drama between them, but somehow Elena managed to get on the girl's bad side.

"Well, you could try to settle things. You guys don't have to be friends, but enemies isn't necessary."

Elena looks at me like I'm hopeless, and shakes her head.

"Yeah, sure. Bye, sista."

I laugh at her as she gets out and begins to walk like a fashionista. I step on the gas when she enters the school because I have 5 minutes until the first bell rings. I get to my high school and the first bell has already rang. Before I can go in the building I see a dead tree. I can't help it, I go over and put my hand on it closing my eyes in concentration.

When my eyes open the tree is alive and green. Nymphs are woodland spirits, and we can help plants grow. I race inside and decide not to go to my locker, just straight to English. I'm taking the stairs two by two, and I finally reach the English pod. I'm about to open the door when the teacher Ms. Jade opens it.

She's never told us what kind of Fae she is, but my money is on a Foreteller. A Foreteller can see the future and Ms. Jade always seems to know what's going to happen before it does.

"Nice to see you Serena. Do I want to know what has you running late?" Ms. Jade looks at me waiting for an answer.

"The tree outside the school is partially why I'm late. It was dead and I gave it life."

Ms. Jade sighs. I think she's disappointed, because I told her I would try harder to be on time.

"Okay, well I was just introducing Ryan Welsh. He had a schedule change and will now be joining us." She lowers her voice for what she says next. "I know that your people and his aren't on good terms, but please try to be civilized."

I groan inwardly. Ryan Welsh is a shifter, he and his twin are the Princes of the Fae. But shifters and nymphs aren't friendly, in fact we're kinda enemies.

I give Ms. Jade a tight smile and walk into class. A guy who I'm guessing is Ryan is standing at the front of the room. We may be enemies, but damn he's hot. His black hair is cut short, he has muscles, and his eyes are green.

Ryan sniffs the air, and looks at me. He growls and it definitely doesn't sound human.

"What is a nymph doing here."

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