Lunging Into Chaos

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(A/N the models above, Blake Lively and Alexis Bledel, are my characters for Allea and Serena.)

I laugh at Allea. Honestly, my best friend is hilarious. She's the opposite of me, though. Both in appearance and personality.

Allea has brown hair and blue eyes, meanwhile I have blonde hair and blue eyes. Allea is very much the life of the party and popular, and I'm studious and a social outcast.

The bell rings and I sigh motioning for Allea to help me up. We walk slowly to the building, since we both have gym.

When we finally reach the locker room I look at the board and feel like I want to cry. We're in the gym and we're playing basketball.

I quickly get dressed ignoring the snickers as people see the bruises that cover my body. I meet Allea in the gym and when everyone is here we start doing warm ups. I'm only on my fourth push up when almost everyone gets up to run their three laps. I jog my three laps and our gym coach has already began to explain the assignment. Yeah, everyone's use to me being slow when it comes to physical fitness.

I'm sweating and out of breath as I lean on Allea for support. I feel so out of breath, I must be panting like a dog.

Allea laughs and whispers to me,

"Girl, how are you so skinny?"

I grin at her and pat my stomach.

"This is all natural. I have a good metabolism, thank you very much. My weekend exercise consists of me walking to the bathroom or to the kitchen for food, as you very well know."

Allea laughs loudly and I start laughing with her.

When we split into our teams I stick by Allea, hoping that I can duck out of the way if the ball is thrown my way. Coach tells us that before we start to do thirty lunges, to which I groan.

Before I can do anything, I'm suddenly cold. Goosebumps cover my arms and I try to rub them, but I can't. I can't move my body at all.

I begin to panic and try to regain control of my body, but for some reason I can't. The coach is nowhere in sight and suddenly I begin to dance. Hold up, did I say dance? No, more like twerking.

By now, I've caught everyone's attention and I'm a laughing stock. People have whipped phones out from who knows where and I'm being recorded.

Allea is gritting her teeth as she looks into the crowd for who's putting me through this torture. Her eyes land on someone and I strain to see who.

It's a guy. Clearly a mesmer,  because his hand is stretched out towards me, clearly in control.

Mesmers can control people physically. They can make you do things that you don't want to do, all with a flick of their hand.

Allea marches up to the guy and twists his arm behind his back. This means that my body was free from control, so I immediately stood straight and tried to control the blush creeping onto my cheeks.

"Asshole! Honestly, don't you have any  sort of conscious?" Allea hissed at him and twisted the guy's, Derek I think, arm further, causing Derek to yelp in pain.

Allea can be very protective. She's part Lake Maiden and part Valkyrie, and that can make her protective.

Lake Maidens are very beautiful and they live in water, sometimes marrying humans but not very often. Valkyries are sort of in charge of delivering Fae souls to the higher power. The part of Allea that is Lake Maiden is dominant, so she doesn't have wings. She is a naturally protective warrior, though.

Anyways, Allea was whispering in Drake's ear, probably threats, when the coach walked back in.

Everyone's phones had magically disappeared just as quick as they had appeared.

"Allea! Let Drake go and report down to the office. I assume you know the way." Coach was kind of smug. She knew that Allea definitely had a history of fighting and this time it was me who wanted to give her a good black eye.

I threw Allea an apologetic glance as the gym bell rang, dismissing us to the locker room. I offered to go to the office with her, but she said that it was fine.

I quickly changed and waited for the first bell to ring, hoping that I wouldn't be teased. Luckily, I wasn't and I was able to walk out of the locker room in peace.

When I got into the hallway everyone was pointing and laughing. However, I knew that it wasn't about Ryan or Gabe this time. My only question was how did everyone see the video already?

"Hey 20 bucks for a lap dance honey!" Some guy yelled at my back and I growled.

I was getting angrier by the second, and that was bad. If I got angry enough, I could probably cut off a lot of the oxygen by taking it out on plants.

I took a shaky breath and muttered,

"Screw this."

I walked out the front doors of the school and went where Allea and I had lunch. I sat down and looked at the clouds, trying to clear my head.

Then I started to sing.

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