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(A/N Hey readers I just wanted to let you know that every once in a while I may throw in a fresh perspective. Mainly, Serena will tell the story, but sometimes I will randomly alternate. Any who, enjoy the chapter!)

*Gabe POV*

My brother is honestly so useless. He lost sight of Serena and now she's gone. Serves him right, he was being an ass and chasing me around like a feral dog.

But I'm worried too. My foot taps at an irregular speed, trying to match my frantic heart. If anything bad happened to Serena, I swear I will tear off Ryan's head and then anyone else who hurt her.

Serena. Her sweet smile, blonde hair that glows, and curious blue eyes. Just thinking about her makes my heart squeeze. She'll never forgive me after what I did to her, though.

I hang my head in shame at the memory of how I willingly put her life on the line. I just wanted father to be proud of me for once. Ryan has always been his favorite, showering him with praise and care meanwhile I was left to be raised by the staff.

Jay, you there?

I ask my cougar, but he won't respond. He's still upset that I put Serena in danger.

Shaking my head, I leave the throne room. I want to talk to one of my personal guards. Any of them will do, really. Well, I don't really want to talk. More like spar, to get the nerves and anger out of my system.

I'm heading to Max's door when I remember about my new young guard. He's my age and I think his name is like Cane. No, Caleb? Yeah, it's Caleb.

I haven't sparred with him yet, and someone with new moves may take my mind off things. Off Serena.

I take my master key and unlock Caleb's room. I know that it may seem very rude barging in on someone like that, but I need a distraction. The first thing I notice are the walls. They're kind of an ugly red color that reminds me of blood. I roll my eyes. Guards are easy to spot especially since everything around them has some sort of connection to battle.

I look at the bed and see Caleb, asleep. I smirk, about to get some cold water. But then I see blonde hair peeking out of his side. I feel anger boiling inside me as I step closer and I can see the girl's face.

It's Serena. I grit my teeth and I try to ignore the feeling that I want to tear Caleb limb from limb. If he dared lay a finger on her, I swear his death will take years of slow torture.

I mask my fury with a mask of indifference. I don't care, I don't care. I chant silently in my head.

"Caleb! Up! We're sparring in ten. Serena, Ryan is in the throne room and he's worried sick."

Caleb jolted awake and his first reaction was to protect I noticed. He had grabbed a knife and guarded Serena until he realized that it was just me. A lazy grin came to Caleb's face and I wanted to slap it off him.

"Ready to get your ass handed to you?" Caleb asked confidently.

I not so discreetly shoot him the middle finger. Serena is just barely gaining focus and I stare at her as warmth floods my chest. When she's mostly awake she looks at me and sighs. Quickly, she gets up and leaves waving goodbye to Caleb.

"Remember to call me!" Caleb shouts and just before she rounds the corner I can see that she's fighting not to smile.

I leave the room as well, going to the boxing area. I've been fighting since the proud age of 9, hoping that each injury and win I sustained would make my father proud. Or at the very least notice me.

No such luck. I warm up by punching and kicking the punching bag. Most people stretch first, but I do that right before I spar. I find that it helps more.

Caleb comes in after about two minutes and he begins to stretch along side me. I jump into the ring and I know that the smile on my face is evil.

I'm going to enjoy kicking this dude's ass. When I'm done with him he won't have any fingers left to lay on Serena.

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