Slipping Away

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(A/N the picture above is Caleb portrayed, in my opinion,by the actor Cameron Monaghan. If you guys pictured Caleb differently then sorry. Anyways, hope you like the chapter!!)

I sigh as I try to pull myself together. After Gabe put his arm around me Ryan went into full out rage and lunged himself at his brother. Gabe dodged with ease and soon Ryan was chasing his twin around the room, threatening him as he did.

The whole time all I was thinking of was Iris. She slammed me into a locker just because of rumors, and she's already hit me multiple times. This will not make me one of her top five favorite people.

I quietly left the room as Ryan continues to chase his brother, completely oblivious to the dead guards and his passed out father.

I walk down the hallway and soon I have a choice of left or right. I choose right and I'm met with a long hallway that has a staircase at the end.

"Are you some kind of snoop?" I jump as a voice comes from behind me. The voice is familiar, but I can't place it.

The body belonging to the voice is beside me and I almost smile. It's Caleb.

"No. Are you some kind of stalker?" Sure, he might be part of the guard and all but that's not really that relevant as to why he's always where I am.

"You know it." Caleb's reply comes with a wink in tow, getting a laugh from me.

"So where are you trying to go?" Caleb asks, all business now.

"I actually don't know. I just wanted to get away from Ryan and Gabe." The truth makes Caleb laugh and I realize that he may still be trying to get in my pants.

"Are you still trying to get me to sleep with you?" I ask bluntly.

"Nah. Besides, with my personality and body why would I need to try? You'll fall hopelessly in love with me eventually." Caleb acts like he's stating facts and I glare.

"Only in your dreams." Caleb laughs and waves his hand for me to follow.

I stay still for a second, not really trusting Caleb. The last time I followed someone I was nearly executed. I follow though, because I'm lost and Caleb is the only person I've seen so far. And I'd rather not have a run in with the other guards.

We turn sharply ever few minutes or so and the silence is actually kind of comfortable. We reach a door and Caleb unlocks it, gesturing dramatically for me to walk in.

The wall are a deep red and there's a small bed in the far left corner, under the only window. The room is considerably small, but it screams cozy to me.

I smile and flop on the bed.

"Is this your room?" I ask quietly, not wanting to break the comforting feeling.

"Yeah, I know it's pretty small, but it's home." Caleb says sheepishly and I smile softly.

"It's great, Caleb."

Caleb and I talk for awhile, just about random things like our favorite color, first kiss, and favorite movie. Caleb is laying down, looking the ceiling and I'm sitting next to him on the bed.

"Who are you the most scared of?" Gabe asks and I freeze.

"Um. . ." I try to think of a good answer without actually giving the name.

"It's okay. You don't have to tell me yet." Caleb looks at me reassuringly and I nuzzle into the side of his rib cage taking him by surprise judging on his intake of breath.

He wraps his arm around me and I smile. I like this. I feel safe, warm, and happy.

The feeling almost scares me.

"Hey, Caleb?" My voice is muffled, but I know he can hear me.

"What?" Caleb reply is almost immediate, but I don't grin. What I am about to ask him is serious to me.

"Can you teach me how to fight?" I ask timidly, knowing that I'll hate it if he says yes, but also knowing that it's necessary.

"Of course. You'll need to now how to fight. When do you want to start?" Caleb's answer is surprising. He didn't even question why I wanted to learn how to fight, he just knew that I wanted to.

"Tomorrow to soon?" Hopefully not, because tomorrow is a day to late for me.

"Course. Just call me to say when." Caleb says, so I guess I'll be getting his number.

All of today was so tiring. From being hit, claimed as someone's mate, and watching people die now all I want to do is sleep.

So I snuggle even further into Caleb and he keeps his arm wrapped protectively around me.

Soon after I close my eyes I enter into my dream world.

Thankfully, the person I'm most afraid of isn't there. I suppose Iris is waiting for school to make her terrible entrance, and for now I'm okay with that.

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