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Stan's p.o.v

I walked down the road, school had just ended, and it was finally summer break. You think I'd be happy right? Wrong.

Me and my friend had gotten into a huge fight, over something completely stupid. But he never thinks about anyone else's opinion, at all.

But, knowing the suck up I am. I'm actually surprised I didn't apologize to him. I actually told him to go fuck himself, which probably made matters worse if you understand who I'm talking about.

But to understand the argument, you'd have to know something from the 7th grade.

-Yeah, flash back-

I ran down the halls, scared of being late to class, when I ran into someone. I stumbled backwards a bit to see butters stotch, who had fallen backwards onto his behind.

"Oww!" He said, rubbing his head.

I took in a deep breath and held out my hand to help him up. "You ok?" I muttered, not wanting to be there for too long.

"I-its fine, oh by the way Stan, cartman wanted to see you.. we-well, I'm not to sure what he wanted but.. I have to go bye!" He walked away quickly.

"What the hell...?" I said to myself awkwardly.

The butters incident wasn't even the weirdest thing. It was that cartman wanted to talk to me. Kyle and Cartman had just gotten into a huge fight, and like the good person I was, I sided with my 'super best friend'.

Cartman and him had argued every chance they'd gotten since then. I shrugged, and noticed that butters dropped a piece of paper. I decided it wasn't very important if he left it.

'Meet --- the bathroom --- or he's gonna ---'

The note looked wrinkled and torn as if it had been shoved into someone's pocket. This is obviously from Cartman, well guess what fat ass, you can't fool me with your shit.

But honestly, out of curiosity I stopped when I was dead center in front of the bathroom. I peaked in for a second. "So is he coming butters?"

"Ah shucks, I think I forgot the note.." butters mumbled.

"Ugh butters, you know that's probably the only way he's gonna-" the voice paused, and I felt a heavy pressure on my chest.

Shit.. he knows I'm here huh. I slammed the door open, to see cartman and butters staring at me.

I felt an eerie feeling crawling up my spine, not wanting to be in here. Cartman smiled, even chuckled a bit and then I felt utterly confused. "Okay butters you can leave." He waved his hand in a 'shoo' motion.

Butters gave him a thankful look, and left quietly. Knowing how cruel Cartman could be I was kinda scared. But I was taller than him, and could confidently kick his ass.

"What do you want?" I muttered, kinda shrugging.

He rolled his eyes, and held up a hat, a green hat. I felt my heart sink. "Why the hell do you have that?" I snarled a bit.

Cartman shrugged, turning around and putting it on the sink. "Your too late."

I let our a sarcastic gasp "oh woe is me, cartman has Kyle's hat, there Is absolutely no way he could've took it from Kyle's house oooh man, what will I do??" I flung my arm over my head, but then Cartman kicked me in the shin pretty hard, making me kinda fall to a kneel.

"Ouch! What the fuck dude." I snapped at him, holding the front of my leg.

I didn't want to believe Cartman did something to Kyle, because even he enjoyed having the short angry ginger around. Honestly maybe he was trying to warn me. I wanted to believe it soo bad.

"I finally broke him." Cartman finally said, breaking the silence.

I felt like my heart had just stopped. How did you 'break' him. How'd you get his hat. WHY THE HELL DID YOU KICK ME YOU-

"he's in class im pretty sure. I'll see you tomorrow... Stan. " Just as he said that, the overhead speakers called him down to the office.

I watched him, my head spinning with questions, hatred, and sickness. I hardly cared about how late I was to class anymore. Hell, I can hardly remember what time it was.

I dizzily walked out of the bathroom, walking towards my class. Entering to hear the rambling of his teacher, which obviously stopped as soon as I walked in.

"Stanley, where the hell have you been?" He said angrily. "I thought you were kidnapped!"

I ignored him and skimmed the room for a ginger head, and instantly found one, buried in his arms. "Ah, shit." I said, my stomach feeling jittery as hell.

Luckily I sat next to Kyle this period. The teacher seemed to just brush off me being so late, and continued. "Ky.. hey ky." I poked him.

Cartman had to be bluffing. What the hell could cartman've said that 'broke' him. Kyle didn't respond, but let out a bit of a sniff.

Seeing him this sad honestly broke my heart, shit, it would break anyone's.

Class was finally over with a loud ring. "Ugh finally." I muttered, getting up, but also waiting for Kyle.

It was the end of the day, so the teacher just packed up and told us not to stay the night like the hobos we are.

Kyle lifted his head to reveal red puffy cheeks and soft sniffles still coming from him. "Kyle..." is all I could say, my heart pretty much in pieces.

Kyle gave him a half angry, half relieved look. "Where w-were you?" He said through chapped lips.

I was instantly confused. "What do you mean?"

"Cartman said if you were my friend you'd come.. he said-"

I shook my head. "Woah woah woah, you believed him?"

Kyle looked down a bit, and nodded. "He said he told you."

"He told me through butters, who must have found me too late.." I muttered.

Soon enough Kyle got his stuff and started to walk out of the room. Wanting to know what Cartman had said, I grabbed his sleeve. "Ky-"

He turned around to give me the most hollow look I've ever seen. "Yes?" He murmured.

"Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yes, Stan. I'm fine."

He turned around and left, leaving Stan almost half heartedly holding back tears.

It should've been me.

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