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Stans P.O.V

We were about 3/4s way through the summer. Nothing abnormal had happened since Kenny went missing. Well, he went missing for like 4 hours.  I tried to ask him what had happened, but he kinda ignored every question.

I eventually just gave up on it. I knew something had to happen between him and Kyle, because they weren't acting the same towards each other. It made me sick, thinking kenny, of all the people in South Park, would try to hurt him.

I had just been talking to Kyle, but my mom had forced me to take a bath.

"Got to go Kyle." I muttered, in an annoyed tone.

"Ugh, okay, cya Stan." He said sounding a bit sad.

I got up and walked to the bathroom.

Maybe I just need to clear my head.

Kyle's P.O.V

Stan had to go for whatever reason. You'd think I'd be sad right? No, I was actually really excited. Stan said he felt really bad for dragging me along to his dads crappy party at the beginning of the year, he said he'd take me to another one.

Although I wasn't a big party person, it was still really fun to hang out with sta- the guys, yea.

I walked downstairs to see my parents sitting at the table with ike. "Yo, what's up." I said, sitting at the table.

"Ah, Kyle just in time." My mom smiled.

It made me feel uneasy, so I looked away from her. "We wanted to talk about secrets." My dad said, seeming frustrated.

"Wh- why would you talk about this now?" I said, glancing over at ike.

"Apparently ike was dating firkle." My mom said, crossing her arms. "He didn't even ask us first!"

"I know I just.. I didn't know how you would react." Ike said, wincing and looking away from me.

Shit. Does he know?

Ugh of course he does- he probably hears me screeching about Stan all the time. Would he..?

"I don't like firkles family very much and.."

"Just because his family is bad doesn't mean he is like them!" Ike snapped, getting up and leaving.

I felt my heart drop as my parents snapped their attention to me. "Um.." I trailed off.

"Just.. What did you need?" My mother said, looking concerned.

"I need to leave." I said quietly, getting up.

I didn't really know where to go, but I threw on my coat and gave a half hearted wave, and left out the front door.

Thankfully I had brought my phone. I messaged Stan, my chest still heavy. 'Can you meet me at Starks Pond?'

I was about halfway there when I got a 'yea sure, what's up?'

'I'll tell you if you come.'

He replied with a fine, but I ignored whatever else he said. I honestly felt sick. I know my parents dont hate Stan, but he's gotten on my parents bad side.

And if you knew my parents you'd know that they use any excuse to get at someone. I saw the old bench right up ahead that sat right in front of the pond. "I swear you can see ass marks on this bench." I said, smiling and taking a seat.

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