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(Not many jokes in this one either sorry bois x"/)

Kyle's P.O.V

I felt like I was in a light sleep, because I could just see Stans red and blue hat that was halfway off his head."cute." I said, but it seemed that it was to myself.

I felt that glare again, and shit I wish I could close my eyes. I saw Stan open his eyes sleepily and looked at me. Since I guess I looked asleep he didn't know I was awake. "God dammit I wish I had the balls to ask you out." He said, running his hands through my hair.

I felt my face grow hot, and all I could do was hope he didn't notice.

"Your too perfect for my anyways, you deserve better. 'Have feelings for me'? Nah. I don't even have feelings for myself." He said, rolling over.

I felt my heart ache for him instantly. "Stan..?" I said, acting sleepy.

"Huh?" He said, looking embarrassed. 

I thought quickly of something to say,  then gulped. "I feel that weird glare now." I said.

"Really? I told you I wasn't joking." He said, pulling my ear.

I let out a grunt. "Stop that!" I said, ending up laughing.

The door opened, and I saw what I think was Randy, or Stan's father. "You two ok?" He said, obviously drunk.

I didn't know what time it was, but it looked like he had just gotten back from the party. I got up, looking at him in all seriousness. "Yes we're fine Mr. Marsh." I said nodding.

He nodded his head back, but in a slow response he just closed the door and walked away. "He uh..  He's pretty drunk." I said, looking over at Stan, who wasn't even looking at my face.

I rolled my eyes, then waved my hand in front of his face. "Earth to marsh." I muttered.

"Oh uh- sorry just day dreaming."

"Day dreaming about my ass?" I said smirking

"Hey, I was looking at the poster." He said, sloppily pointing at a movie poster that Kyle couldnt quite see in the lighting.

"Yea whatever." I said rolling my eyes again.

We sat there talking for a bit until we both realized it was only 3 am. "Ok, I'm going back to bed." I said after an awkward silence.

"Aw, you serious?" Stan said, rolling onto his back. "I could hardly get to sleep."

I was surprised by this, remembering how drunk he was. "Oh.. I assumed you just passed out."

He shook his head letting out a sigh,  "well, okay I'll try to get to sleep."

"Well, I don't know what you would want to talk about at like 3 am?" I said now seeing he was sad-ish.

I realized his face was growing red. Is he going to confess already? Because if he doesn't I'll do it. "Do you wanna... Date.. Me?" He says slower then ever.

"Yea, I heard you confess already, but I love you too much to make fun of you." I said a grin growing across my face.

He instantly looked flustered, and sat up. "W-well it was because I was half asleep- yea!"

I got in bed next to him, and kissed him on the forehead. If you knew Stan, you'd know that he acted tough in front of other people, but when the time came he was actually pretty soft. Or what Kenny and Cartman likes to call a pussy.

"Okay, now can we go to sleep." I said, trying not to sound whinny.

"Yea yea," He said a smile on his face. "Night."


Stan's P.O.V

I woke up to see Kyle literally like 5 inches from my face. I somehow propelled myself backwards onto the floor. "Aah fuck." I muttered sleepily.

I got up to see Kyle was some how still asleep. "K then, might as well get dressed out of these smelly ass clothes." I said, looking down at stain covered clothes.

I was sorting through some clothes when I heard Kyle groan. "You okay dude?" I said turning around to see him sitting up.

"Do you remember what I ate? For some reason it just started hurting." He whined, holding his stomach.

"Well, maybe you ate too much." I suggested, still sorting through clothes.

"No, I didn't eat at all." He said.

"Theres your answer." I said, pulling out a white under shirt.

"Ugh it huuuuuurts." He said, falling backwards.

"Need some aspirin?" I said, remembering the pills in the bathroom.

"Didn't know you had any, yea, could I use some?" Kyle said, wincing.

I walked over to the bathroom opening the door. Opening the mirror, which was also a cabinet, I took a bottle out. I was almost surprised at how empty it was then I remembered earlier this year.

  There was small lines of blood trickling down my arm. Nothing serious, except it seriously hurt. I gulped, as I heard my mother walking up the stairs.

I covered the fresh cut out scars I had made, pulled down my sleeve and reached for the cabinet. I took like 5 pills, and just as I swallowed them my mother walked in.

"Stanley? You ok in here?" She said, peeking in.

"Mhmm." I said, still wincing, hiding a pair of scissors behind my back.

"Okay.. I just know you've been going through a rough time at school recently. I don't want you to hurt yourself."

How ironic huh?

"Stan? You okay in there?" I heard Kyle call from my bedroom.

Oh yea, I was getting aspirin.. Right. I walked back in with a short smile. "Here ya go." I tossed them to him.

Kyle was giving me the weirdest look ever. "Ok.. Thanks." He said, taking them like a pro.

"So.. Just gonna say, are we a thing?" I said, wanting to get that off my mind.

"I kissed you. Are we not a thing?" Kyle said sarcastically.

"You kiss me all the time I don't know what your talking about." I said

We both laughed awkwardly for awhile.

But I still couldn't get that memory out of my mind.


Im sorry this is bad, sad, and late, but in all honesty I've been really sad lately, and it's mostly because of my friends :")

Anyways, to make it up to you people I'll make either another chapter today or make the bunny story I've been wanting to make

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