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Stans P.O.V

I was laying in bed, feeling extremely sad. I knew Kyle's mom was stuck up but God damn! I wanted to call him or something but I didn't.

But as soon as I dismissed the thought my phone started to vibrate. I picked it up and answered. "Hello?" I said sleepily

"Stan? It's me.. I just wanted to say sorry." A female voice said

I winced, realizing who it was. I checked the caller ID, and it was who I thought. "Wendy leave me alone." I snapped, getting ready to hang up.

"Yea, hang up on me Stan, that's a sensible thing to do." She said sounding annoyed.

So I did cause I thought that would annoy her. I texted Kyle with a 'good morning' and left it there.

I didn't usually go to other people whenever it came to feelings. Except Wendy, she was the only one. I know it sounds bad, but I never did it again, not even to my sup- boyfriend?

'Heyy my mom's away I think you can come over.'

I took in a deep breath. 'Yea ok.'

'Also could you call me?'

'Yea sure.'

I called him quicker than you could say "what the fuck?"

"Hey Kyle." I said quietly, still kind of upset from the call from Wendy.

"Hey dude, I'm really hyper right now and I need you to come ooooovvvveeerrrr!" He squeaked.

"What the hell Kyle, I have parents too y'know" I found myself smiling.

"oH but your mom and dad are probably banging." He said quickly. "Sooo you should come over and uh.. Watch some t.v with me!"

"Kyle did you drink coffee or..?" I trailed off.

"nO bUT I'M HYPER." I could tell he was screeching and I swear I could hear Ike screeching like the 'victory screech' in Spongebob.

"Okay fine. Comin over and I'm gonna depress the hyperness out of you."

"That's not true." He said. "Your literally the only one in this town that doesn't depress me."

There was silence for a second. "So can you come to my house?"

"No walk your lazy self over here." He said.

"Fiiiiiine." I muttered, getting up. "Cya soon."

I hung up before Kyle could whine to keep him on the phone.

I decided to wear my old brown jacket. I mean, I don't have to look thaaat good? I also wore this weird galaxy cat shirt that Kyle gave me for my birthday last year. "Ok, let's go."

~~magical time skip cause awkwardness~~

I walked up to the door, and before it could even knock it flung open. "Hellooo..!"

"Jesus what..?" I managed to choke out in confusion.

"Ok, so I don't know about you but since school is starting soon we can go school shopping together?" He said with a wide smile.

"Okay what's up seriously." I grinned. "Last time I saw you, you were pretty much emotionally destroyed."

He gave me a weird look, as if nothing like that had ever happened. I felt a tug on my shirt, and turned to see Ike. "Can I talk to you for a second?" He said, I knew it was a statement and not a question so I glanced at Kyle with a nervous smile and went with Ike.

Ike walked me outside. He instantly looked half as happy. "Moms been forcing us to be 'happy" He said. "She's acting strange, she must know Kyle's dating another guy."

Ike heaved a sigh. "You.. Don't know who he's dating?" I asked nervously.

Ike gave me a sarcastic glare, then nodded. "I bet moms installed cameras. I get you don't want your kids to be sad but I feel she's going about it all wrong."

I was quite for a second. "So you and firkle..?"

Ikes face grew a hot red, and he shoved me away. "Go talk to Kyle okay?"

I giggled and walked back into the house, but now looking around for small cameras. I hate being watched, which is probably normal for a human being. "Kyle?" I called.

He peeked out from upstairs. "Yea? I was hoping we could walk around outside." His voice was shaken

(Shook lmao ok I'm sorry)

I nodded, remembering what Ike said. He had his usual outfit on, you know, his green hat, orange coat, etc.

"Let's go." I smiled.

Like not even after 10 minutes Kyle was venting about his parents. It's not like I didn't listen, it was just so sad I just couldn't take it. "Why don't you move out."

He gave me a surprised look, then a glare. "I would have but I don't have a job. You know that."

"We do have Shelly's old room.."

Kyle gave me a weird look again, and then sighed. "Yes, but your parents?"

"Probably won't care. This is some deep shit your in Kyle and I seriously want to help."

"This is stupid I just need to slap some sense into my parents." He said.

"Then do it. Your mom loves you and should understand what she's doing is wrong." I said shrugging.

I wasn't very good at talking apparently because Kyle let out an annoyed sigh.

I gave a wide smile. "Well how can I help?"

Kyle nodded, mostly to himself though. "Oh I'll tell you how"


First of all I accidently typed "Oh I'll tell you hoe"

Also this is shorter than a usual chapters :p sorry for that.

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