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Kenny's P.O.V

So it was the second day of summer break, and I was hella bored, so I decided to tease kyle. That's kinda what everyone did when they're bored. I texted him.

'Rawr xD'

'Im- ok, what the hell.'

I giggled. 'Have you guys fucked yet?'

'Uh... No? We're friends not prostitutes like you 😂'

'10 dollars is 10 dollars Kyle 😉'

I put down the trashy spin off phone I had down for a minute, but then I heard a ding.

'Actually.. Craig wants his flash light back, wanna come with me and Stan?'

I texted back a 'ye' and decided to head out. I put my hood over my head, mostly because I didn't like people staring at me.

I stepped into the park, looking around for a green hat. I then felt a tap on my shoulder. "Why hello there-"

I was greeted with a slap on the face. It was Craig Fucker. "Of course.." I muttered to myself.

When I was in 4th grade I honestly had a crush on him, but never got to really tell him. "You k McCormick?" He said, looking at me.

I was pretty damn tall apparently, because Kyle gets mad about me and Stan being the tallest in our group. "Heey... wassup." I said, finger gunning him.

He shook his head. "Flashlight?" He asked.

I decided to mess with him. "Up Kyle's ass last time I checked, yea that was a pretty awkward threesome but-"

"Wait.. what?"

I felt my face grow pail as I saw the smaller ginger boy next to the much taller raven headed one. Why the hell does he come at the wrong time? "Ah, kyle." Well please God let me have a miracle to let this prank work.

"Threesome ey?" I heard Stan say, giving me a corny smile. It's pretty much like he was saying 'I'm totally ready for this'.

Kyle was looking back and forth rapidly, his face red as hell. "WHAT?!"
He yelled at Stan.

"Well Kyle you were pretty drunk last night.." Stan muttered, acting embarrassed.

I smiled as Craig was shooting us weird looks. "Yea, he called me up, it was awesome." Then I shrugged. "Kyle's just too cute for me to stay away from I guess~"

"I know you guys are fucking with me, just give me the flashlight." Craig hissed at us, glaring.

"No, we fucked with Kyle." Stan said blankly. "And it was tight lemme tell ya-"

He was interrupted by a slap from Kyle "DUDE!? WHAT THE HELL!"

Stan stumbled back a bit. "Yo holy-"

I was cut off from another slap from Kyle. "You guys SERIOUSLY raped me." He snapped. "And then broadcast it to the whole world?"

I handed Craig the flashlight, and he gave me a concerned look. Yea, I know I'm fucked. "Uuugh.." Stan muttered, rubbing a red mark on his face.

Craig had left a few minutes ago, and Kyle was standing over Stan with a betrayed look on his face. "Kyle.. it was a joke I'm sorry.." I muttered, not wanting to ruin their friendship, again.

"You guys are dicks." Kyle said, his voice shaky.

Stan gave him a hug, but he kinda backed away. "Nuh uh. No way Stan. Not giving in to your hugging shit."

Stan just walked over to Kenny with a smug look on his face. "Now all you need is Clyde's grin." I chuckled.

"To be honest, I think I'm gay for this Jewish kid." He said, looking back at Kyle who was talking on the phone to someone.

"He's probably telling his mom how we raped him." Kenny said, breaking the silence.

"Yea. Probably." Stan said, laughing a bit.

Ironically right after he said that Kyle hung up, with a loud sigh too. "I have to get home, got to actually pick up ike. You guys wanna come." Then he paused.

I opened my mouth, just to be interrupted by Kyle "and no porn jokes in front of him, he's in 7th grade he'll think he can just do it cause we can."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine then."

Kyle drove a spare care that his mother and father owned. He was 17, and just got his license about a year ago. I knew how to drive, just didn't have a car.

"Ok here's firkles house." Kyle sighed. "I'm pretty sure my gayness surged into his blood."

"That wouldn't surprise me." I gave him a toothy grin.

I expected the glare I got in return. Soon enough ike hopped in the car. "Heya." He said, buckling up.

Then he gave in an awkward sigh, but it wasn't awkward, it was anticipated. "So how was y-your b-boyfriend last n-night." He said, while trying not to laugh.

I needed to teach this child how to make gay jokes. "Oh jesus Christ." Kyle muttered.

But he didn't even know the storm that was coming. "Oh.. I bet his night was like 1 inch long." I said, chuckling.

"Kenny what the hell did I say?" Kyle hissed, not taking his eyes off the road.

"Oh I'm sorry daddy~ I guess it's time for my punishment please be gentle!" I tried to put in as many fake moans as I could.


The car came to a stop, luckily everyone was wearing a seatbelt, but I was pretty sure Stan hit the dashboard so hard he passed out.

"Shit!" Kyle said, looking at Stan, then turning around to glare at me. "What did I say about saying.. that stuff." He snapped.

"Well at least if Stan died it won't be my fault."

Ike was laughing so hard he was crying. "Okay, my goal has been accomplished." I smiled, unbuckled my seat, then ran out to the other side of the street. "FUCK YOU!" Kyle yelled out the door.


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