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Stan's P. O. V

So I had a family gathering soon, great. I didn't really want to go, but my family wanted me to spend more time with well, family. I had been in a Skype call with Kyle playing some good ol' fashioned w.o.w. We were leveling up when my mom came in saying something, but I had headphones on.

"Brb Kyle" I said, taking off and putting down the headphones.

"We're leaving soon." Oh shit, I forgot about that. "Can I at least maaaaybe bring someone? C'mon I bet my uncles and aunts will just be watching baseball or old football, I don't know."

"Uh, fine. Shelly will be there though." She sighed.

Shelly moved out like a 2 years ago. "You know Shelly probably doesnt want to talk to me." I scoffed at her.

She let out a sigh, letting me know she was disappointed. I didn't really care though, my family is weird and I don't always feel like talking to them.

I got back to Kyle, hoping maybe he could go. "Kyle are you aloud to go out today?" I muttered.

I heard him kinda sigh. "Yea, it'd do me good to go out, why?"

"I have to go to a family gathering, and I don't feel like going but I have to, so could you come maybe?" I said hopefully.

"I don't know, I think my mom's been listening to what Ike's been saying." Kyle said, I was unable to hear if he was being sarcastic or not.

"Soooooo?" I said slowly.

"I'll ask, I'll also call you back." He said, "bye."

"Bye" I muttered hanging up on him.

Wanting my mom to feel at least somewhat proud of me, I decided to dress up. I picked out a nice white dress shirt with a tie, and some jeans, I thought that'd look nice.

I heard the Skype tone go off, and I walked over to it. "Yea?" I said.

"So are you guys picking me up?" I heard him laughing, "I honestly don't know, but probably." I said happily.

It's like one of those moments when you don't want to do something and your friend saves the day. It feels so good. "Okay, cya soon dude." I smiled, hanging up on him.

"Ey mom, Kyle's coming can we pick him up?" I said happily. "Oh broflovski? Okay." My dad said.

"Oh yea Sharon, don't forget the beer!" My dad called over his shoulder.

He walked over to me and said, "I thought Gerald was coming already." He looked confused. "Maybe Kyle just wasn't coming at first?" I suggested.

Soon enough we stopped by the broflovski residence, and I opened my side of the door and knocked. The door opened and there was Gerald, or Kyle's dad. "Oh hey Stan, was Kyle Coming with you guys?" He said, motioning his eyes towards our car.

"I believe so." I said giving a friendly smile. "KYLE, YOUR BOY FRIEND IS HERE" He yelled over his shoulder.

I didn't say anything knowing he was joking. "Yea.." I muttered to myself.

Soon I saw an embarrassed ginger boy walking down the stairs without his hat on. "We're going to a party pretty much so you got everything?" Gerald said. "Yea." He said, walking out besides me.

"Cya dad, probably there though." He said waving.

"I'm surprised its more than just my family, usually my mom dissaproves." I said, walking over to the car.

He let Kyle in first, realizing he had something in his bag he was pulling out. He looked at me and said "My dad doesn't know I have my hat." He said, grinning.

I rolled my eyes. "Cmon, your hair doesn't look that bad."

He looked embarrassed at first, then just simply replied with "shut up it looks horrible."

I could tell he was smiling, and I realized we were both just staring at each other eventually, it was kinda weird. "So you guys excited?" Randy said, pulling into someone's drive.

I ignored my dad because I was utterly confused. "Who's house is this..?" I uttered, honestly confused.

"It looks like some place you'd rent out almost." Kyle added.

"It's someone I used to work with's place." My dad said. "He just went on vacation and said we could use his house for whatever."

There were already people there, and it already felt like one of those drunk high school party. "Remember Stan, don't drink or ill slap you." Kyle was either lecturing me or being Sarcastic.

"Whatever." I smiled at him. "At least I can handle a beer."

I felt someone watching me like a hawk, but I couldn't see anyone gazing at us in the room. "Hey Kyle?" I said in a low whisper. "You know that feeling someone's watching you?"

Kyle gave me a weird look, then giving a fake laugh. "Yea, stop trying to scare me." Kyle then shook his head "You're really bad at it."

"I'm being serious, I feel like someones staring at me." I said, a bit nervous. "Seriously Kyle."

Kyle have glanced over at a window. "Yea I guess." He shrugged. "Why do you have a phobia of house parties or?"

I rolled my eyes and decided to drop it. We both drank some stuff, but not alcohol. Eventually I forgot all about the glare I was feeling earlier. "Kyle, fuck you I'm drinking." I said flipping him off playfully.

"I guess I'll be your legal alcohol guardian." He said rolling his eyes at me.

Soon enough I was drunk as hell, or had to be. "Dude, I'm going to take you home, your too drunk."

I didn't hear what he said to be honest. I was messed up and I wish I hadn't drank anything or just one beer. "C'mon I already asked your dad."

"Kyle noooo I just want one mooore." I muttered.

Kyle's P.O.V (Cause Stan is too hammered lmao)

I was driving to Stan's house when I started to feel as if that so called glare Stan was talking about had caught up with me. It gave me shivers down my spin. I parked in t he driveway, getting out of the car, honestly not wanting to be outside. "C'mon Stan, let's go." I said, nervously looking around.

Stan got up, obviously he still had some brain cells left because he just nodded slowly.

I kinda guided him to his bedroom and watched him get in bed. "H-hey Stan?"

"Yea?" He said, taking off his tie to get more comfortable I guess.

"Can I stay with you?" I said, then adding so he didn't think I was scared "I just want to make sure you don't do anything stupid while your drunk."

"Oh okay~" He said, winking at me.

I don't really care if that was supposed to be sexual, I just hope that gaze I felt on me earlier was just a feeling.  I thought, climbing in bed with Stan and drifting to sleep.


Okay so I'm also not proud of this chapter, but I'm trying to at least point a little but towards the climax to the story, anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter at least ❤

Damn this was long tho

But I didn't run out of coffee this time so ;)

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