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(Light smut, don't get your hopes up tho, I'm not good at smut lmao)

(I MEAN, it's not really smut but I'm to much of a pussy to write smut)

Stan's P.O.V

We all were walking towards the cabin when I heard something from Cartman or something. "Oh my God can you not be butthurt for like 2 seconds." I say, without looking back at him.

"Oh I'm sorry Stan, I can't always have a stick up my ass like you." I heard him sputter.

Soon enough they were in front of the old cabin. The scariest part is that I was pretty sure nobody had been in this thing for a few years. It gave me creeps. "Guys.. you sure you don't just wanna try to go home?"

"You gonna puss oooout?" Kenny said from beside me.

"- NO I just think that interrupting them in the middle of the night and I-"

"It's fine, I'm kinda of creeped out too." Kyle said to Kenny.

But Cartman, who had ignored the whole conversation and knocked on the door. "I hope there's something weird in here." Cartman chuckled looking over at the group.

The door opened, and to everyone's surprise, there was Tweek Tweak, who also fell over. "Oh. How mellow dramatic" Cartman said, looking at the twitching boy on the floor.

"Thanks cartman, because if there was a psychopath in there he would've stabbed your fat ass first." Kyle said, obviously frustrated at him for not asking for consent.

"Whatever." He smiled.

"Sooo are you here with your boyfriend." I said, looking down at Tweek, who was slowly getting up.

He glared at me, but I ignored it. "Y-yes, but he, he's asleep at the m-moment." He muttered, glancing at the bunch of us.

"Okay.. do you have a flashlight we could borrow?" I said looking at him weirdly.

"yea.. just let me go get it." He said, going back inside the house.

We all just sat there for like, 5 minutes. It was pretty awkward. "So um..." I started, but got hit in the head hard by something.

I got up dizzily and looked over to see Craig glaring at me. "What the fuck Craig!?" I heard Kenny say.

"Well I'm sorry we're trying to enjoy our first day off without dealing with you bunch."

"Ouch..." Cartman muttered.

He moved his hands around, still dazed from the hit to the head. You might not have ever gotten hit in the head with a flashlight, it hurts like hell. I realized someone else must have reached for the flashlight, but quickly pulled away. K then..

I grabbed the flash light and clumsy got up. "Ugh.. damn that hurt.." I said, turning on the flashlight and shining enough to make Craig flinch a bit.

"That's what you get." I said, mostly to myself.

We waved a half-hearted goodbye, and headed along the said path back the way we came. The thick silence of the walk back was.. weird. There was no wood sounds, so I turned to Kyle. "What are you doing tonight?" I said, quietly.

He didn't say anything, which scared me at first. "Nothing really." He said, then looking over to me "Why, wanna do something?"

You have no idea how good it felt to here him say that. Mostly because I thought he hated my guts. "Sleepover or something? I'm just so bored.. this walk isn't helping at all." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Oh look a deer." I heard Kenny say to butters.

The two had gotten quite close ever since 5th grade. You'd think they were gay with the way they acted, but that was just a suspicion. A couple minutes, or hours later, we all finally saw a crack in the trees and Kenny's house in the distance.

"Okay so my house? My parents are gone for the weekend." Kyle said, not bothering to care who was listening.

"Damn you guys already made up?" Kenny said, looking back at them and pausing.

Everyone stopped and looked at each other. "Well.. you can't really stay mad at that face." Kyle laughed a bit.

Stan smiled, feeling his face grow hot, but ignoring his instinct to hide his face. "Yay guys, I made them gay again." Cartman said sarcastically.


I had already gotten my stuff and told my mom, but she didn't mind much, me being 17 and all. "Kyle, what changed your mind, be honest." I said, as we were watching a cliche Indiana Jones movie.

"Seriously? Best parts coming up." He laughed, shoving popcorn in his mouth.

"Yea.. seriously." I mutter, feeling my stomach flutter up.

Since it was an old recording, Kyle paused it, and gave me a concerned look. "Spill." He said, adjusting himself to be sitting towards me, a smirk on his face.

"I was just thinking about Kenny and Butter's relationship." I said, not looking him in the eyes.

"Oh yea? They are pretty gay." Kyle chuckled, turning away from me.

Shit, I don't wanna hide this from him, he'd kill me. Well, here it goes. "Would it be weird to feel like.. love.. towards someone you've known?"

Kyle flinched which made me instantly regret saying anything. But hell, you couldn't take back words.

"Oh.. well, have you been drinking too much?" He asked, looking at me again.

Honestly, I was a bit tipsy but other than that I was pretty much sober. "Well.. I'm not too drunk." Which is the truth...

Kyle gave him a wide smile. Kyle didn't usually drink beer, but Stan made him try some. But honestly Kyle was incredibly easy to get drunk.

Kyle leaned in and kissed him, pretty passionately too. I leaned backwards, yknow, trying to not make this as gay as I thought it would be. But we both ended up falling on each other.

"Uhh, Kyle are you ok?" Stan said, a bit scared of what was gonna be the outcome of this. "Stan, I need to tell you something." Kyle said, still on top of me.

"What?" I said, kind of enjoying this at this point.

"I love you, okay? And I don't give two shits what Cartman says." He says, right next to my ear.

Already getting chills up my spin. I got up, looking at Kyle, my face felt like it was on fire. "Ok, so I would take advantage of this, but your drunk as fuck, lay off." I said, setting him up right.

"C'mon your no fun." Kyle said, giving me a light glare.

"Well I don't want to deal with sober kyle." I smiled at him, and kissed him lightly on the head.

"Who the fuck is sober kyle?" He said, then gasping "are you cheating with me with my cousin?"

I started laughing. Drunk Kyle is the Kyle we all need a little more of. "Fine,  just kiss me before you pass out"

Then came an epic make-up session that I don't feel like describing in detail.

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