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Stan's P.O.V

So that's what happened a few years ago, but hell I only just found the balls to ask him what Cartman said. As you know it, we had a fight and have been avoiding each other ever since. Cartman didnt even say anything as we argued either

Now I guess I'm supposed to be mad at him, but to be honest I could care less. I was heading over to Kenny's, until I saw Cartman waiting for me.

I kinda rolled my eyes. I guess I might as well ask him instead. "Hi Cartman." I muttered, walking up to him.

"Yes stan." He said.

What happened was that Cartman the next day just acted like nothing ever was said. Like he never spoke to me. "Remember that one time in 7th grade..." I started, making hand motions, trying not to make it awkward.

It was awkward.

"Oh yea? When Kyle was acting like a quivering puss-"

"Yea yea, that time." I interrupted, still kind of feeling bad for Kyle.

"Well, I just called him Jewish stuff if I remember correctly." He muttered, kicking a pebble off the sidewalk.

"No, no, you always call him Jewish stuff. What happened?" I said, a bit more frustrated.

"Nothing." He said, sounding annoyed. "Seriously, I probably insulted you or something, and then he probably said, ooh no! Not my boyfrieeend staaan, so yeah."

I kinda chuckled at that. But then acted like I was pissed off at him. "Ok.. thanks I guess."

I walked passed him, and looked back realizing he was smiling widely. Okay.. What the fuck, but okay.

Soon I was at Kenny's house. We talked for awhile, then he just nodded.

"So you brought back a painful memory, then got frustrated because he wouldn't tell you it, so you told him to fuck off... correct?"

"Well damn, the way you put it sounds horrible, but yea." I muttered.

"Yea, I'd say sorry." Kenny nodded. "Can I come with you?"

Kenny, being the master of gay, I agreed.

We both stopped in front of Kyle's house. "You knock." I say, giving Kenny a side-ways glance.

Kenny face palmed and knocked on the door, with me hiding right behind him. The door swung open, it was Kyle. His parents must not be home. "Hey kenny." He smiled, then shoot me a glare. "Hey Stan." He added less happy.

"We just want to talk." Kenny said, trying to grab Kyle's attention back.

Kyle sighed, and nodded, motioning them both in. They all sat down. "Soooo.. you guys wanna say anything to eachother?" Kenny said, breaking both of our glares.

"Well.. I think that I over reacted.." I said quietly, looking over at Kenny.

"Sure did." Kyle said under his breath.

I shot him a glare, but he ignored it. Kenny let out a long sigh. "You two need jesus." He said

"Well Stan needs to grow a pair and just say-"

Kyle was interrupted by cartman smashing through the door, making everyone stand up. "GUYS OMG BUTTERS  IS GONNA KILL HIMSELF OMG OMG"

"Butters nooOOOO" Kenny said running out the door.

Kyle and I just sat there, seeing right through his bullshit. "Okay. What do you want fatass." We both said.

"Ugh you guys are so gross when you say things at the same time." He chocked. "But anyways, you guys now that I got Kenny and his poor ass is out wanna go on a cool adventure? Maybe  someone'll die, maybe someone will fall In love... with me."

Oh Jesus Christ. He was just staring at us waiting for a response. "No." I muttered.

Then right after I said that very word, Kyle jumps out of his seat waving at me. Ah, I see.

Being the awkward person I am, I followed them as they walked with each other silently. You know it hurts when Kyle hates you more than he hates Cartman.

Soon enough they were just staring at the mountains. Kenny had tagged along, dragging butters with him. Now I understand what it feels like to third wheel, oh my god. "Sooo.." Kyle started.

"This is kinda gay." Cartman muttered. "I'll be right back.." He muttered.

Stan watched him leave and with no hesitation poked Kyle on the shoulder. "Kyle, please don't ignore me. I didn't mean to lash out I know-"

"Stan. Please, I understand your sorry. I'm not that mad at you." He admitted.

Stan thought he could hear a bit of regret in his voice. "Kyle..." He said, wanting to hold the conversation for a bit longer.

Kyle turned around, hugged him and gave him a small frown. He isn't telling me something..

Soon Cartman was back, pulling up his pants. "The hell did you do?" Kyle said, turning to him.

"Probably took a greasy shi-"

"Nuh-uh! Jesus kenneh I just needed a breath away from the flies that are always hanging around you!" He obviously lied.

I, feeling heavily relieved, chuckled at his response. But now I had a bigger question on my mind. Why wouldn't Kyle at least give me a smile?

Whatever... I'll think of it later.

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