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Kyle's P.O.V

I walked up the stairs nervously. I looked at Cartmans door, through all the people. I paced slowly towards it and leaned against the door, not wanting to interrupt.. Anything.

I didn't near anything. So, I opened the door slowly to see Cartman looking out the window. "Kyle.. Please, come in."

I didn't even put down a foot before he added, "also please shut the door."

I walked around, and faced the opening. Hopefully if I get murdered someone will hear my screams. I shut the door slowly.

I wanted to talk to him about y'know..

But since Kenny brought up butters I was going to ask him about it. "Eric." I said, letting him know it was serious.

He turned to look at me, he looked like he had been crying. "What do you want." He said blandly, but I could hear the sourness in his voice.

"I want you-"

"Ooh~ you want me Kyle." Carman smirked.

He gave him a firm glare, then repeated myself. "I want you to know that I know you did something to butters."

Cartman have me a firm stare. I felt a heavy pressure on my chest. "No I didn't Kyle." He said, leaning towards me. "Not yet."

I felt myself start to shake. His face was so close to mine that I leaned backwards. "C-cartman I-"

The door that I was pretty much leaning on at this point opened, and I fell backwards. "Oh hey Stan." Cartman said with a smile.

I couldn't see Stans face, from where I was at least. I got up to see a cold look on his face. "Hey Eric. Just checking on Kyle, y'know, since he was kinda uncomfortable coming here at first."

It gave Stan a nervous smile. He looked over at me with a concerned look. "So, school-" Cartman started

"oH MY GOD I HAVE NO HAAANDS." someone screamed from downstairs.

We all ran/walked downstairs to see Clyde Donovan crying his ass off. "Clyde holy shit calm down." Craig said.

"J-JESUS WHAT I-IF HE REALLY HaS N-NO HANDS?!?!?!" Twerk screamed even louder.

"Dude what the fuck." Token said staring at them all.

I shook my head sarcastically. "This is why I don't drink."

"Aw~ but I like it when you drink." Stan said making a kissy face.

"Shut up dude." I said, fake punching him.

"Hey wait wheres Kenny?" Stan said looking around the room.

"I don't really know, last time I saw him he was looking for butters.." I trailed off, feeling cartmans glare on my back.

"Never mind the table ate it." Clyde said, kissing his hands.

"I think we should leave." I said to Stan quietly.

He gave me yet another concerned look, then kinda grabbed my hand and dragged me outside. "Hey what the-"

"What did cartman do?" Stan said.

I could barely see his face, since it was dark and all. I just looked away my face a lil hot. "I.. all I asked was where butters was because I felt he did something to him y'know?"

I didn't tell him that I felt mind fucked, cause Stan isn't the smartest sometimes. "Yea okay.. Are you sure you want to leave? Seeing everyone drunk is just a gem." He chuckled.

"I just feel.. Uncomfortable." I said, trying to avoid his gaze.

He let out a sigh. "Is it ok if I walk you home and then come back?"

He gave me an annoyed look. "Nothing that bad happened from the looks of it."

"Seriously? Is it too much to ask to just go home?" I snapped at him.

I whipped around and started to walk away. So fucking self centered! Jesus Christ.

"Fine! Whatever." I heard him yell at me, then walk back into the house.

Kenny's P.O.V

I heard the front door slam. "What the hell? Didn't I see Kyle and Stan out there?" I said to myself.

"Kenny, can I test your d-drunkness?" I heard a slurred voice behind me.

"Get off cartman." I said, but it wasn't cartman.

"Its Craig asshole." He stuttered.

Im not usually the shy type, but in this case I felt a bit shy. "I haven't had a drink yet Craig, I've been looking for someone."

Craig looked tipsy to say the least, but he had general concern in his eyes. "Who are you looking for?"

"Butters.. He went missing a few days ago." I trailed off.

Craig looked around the party and heaved a sigh. "Well he's not here."

I took in a deep breath. "Craig, please I'm desperate.. Can you help at least a little?"

"Fiiiiine." He muttered. "Okay, so where do we look?"

"First of all I want to ask you something." I said sharply.

"What did you do to him."

Kyle's P.O.V

I was in front of my house, I sped walked all of my anger out so, I guess what I was feeling was regret. How does he even deal with me sometimes, I'm an emotional mess.

2 weeks until school and I'm probably already done with Stan. I don't want it to be that way.

I opened the door to my mom and dad gasping. "Oh my god Kyle! Honey what happened!?"

I didn't realize there were tears streaming down my face. "Oh shi-
WAIT WAIT!" I yelled.

"Please don't look at me." I said more quietly.

I rushed upstairs before they could ask me anymore questions. Because honestly I didn't know why I was crying nothing that bad had happened.

I guess I should also keep a look out for butters since that's what this while thing was about.

I walked in my room and sat on my bed letting out a stressed sigh.

But it was like 12 in the morning so I was going to sleep. "Well, I'll work it out in the morning...."

I layed down and pulled the covers over myself, closing my eyes waiting for sleep to come

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