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Butters P.O.V

It had been a week after we found Kenny, and I was honestly scared. Would people judge me for being gay? I took in a deep breath and got up from the desk I was doodling on.

"Hey butters someone's here for you." I heard my dad call.

Oh! I hope it's Kenny.

Authors P.O.V

Butters walked downstairs happily expecting to see Kenny. He opened the door to see Craig Tucker. "O-oh.. Hi Craig." He muttered.

"Listen, I know your gay and all, but why is everyone else becoming gay?" He snapped, but honestly looked confused.

Butters put out a sigh. "I don't know. Maybe some people are just finding out who they are?"

"Come with me, I need to tell you something." He said pulling butter's arm gently.

"W-wait Craig! Why can't you tell me here."

"Cause we have a super gay club you need to join."

Butters rolled his eyes, mostly because he knew Craig was lying. "Fine. Can we get Kenny?" He asked.

"No, don't feel like walking to his house." Craig shrugged.

"Fine.. But make it quick please."

Kyle's P.O.V (WOO we're hopin around)

"C'mon dude hurry up!" I said excitedly.

"Wow dude you're really hyped up for this huh?" He smiled, fixing a tie he had on.

Tonight was the party I mentioned, and you know I was less nervous. There was at least like 3 other gay couples right?

I took a deep breath. "So where is it?"

Stan smiled. "At your favorite persons house."

I shot him the hardest glare. "Your an asshole."

"You know we can't get rid of him, and plus he probably doesn't even know what I'm sorry means so."

I shook my head, feeling more nervous. "Fine, but if he makes one gay joke, bitch getting slapped."

Stan gave me a warm smile, then buttoned his jacket. "Mk let's go then."

We were walking down the road when I saw Kenny up ahead. "Is that Kenny up there?" I asked making sure I wasnt seeing things.

"Well that's his jacket.. Should we say hi?" He suggested.

Honestly I was still a bit mad, but I guess I needed to make up with Kenny. "Hey Kenny!" I called out.

I saw the blonde turn around an look at us for a second, then walk towards us. "What's up." He smiled.

"Nothing much, where are you heading?" I asked realizing he seemed to look good compared to what he usually wore.

"Cartmans, and by the way you're dressed I'm guessing your heading over to the same place?" He smiled.

"Does he know?" Stan butted in.

"Don't believe so. But if he did he hasn't showed any sign of knowing."

Kenny looked towards cartmans house. "I'm surprised that you guys are going over there."

"Yea, I'm sure there is going to be pictures of Shrek hanging on the wall."

"I thought you loved memes Kyle." Kenny said, looking surprised.

"I used to but cartman constantly talking about memes wore them out I guess." I shrugged.

"Anyways Kenny, wanna walk with us." Stan asked.

He shrugged, "why the hell not?"

I felt tension between me and Kenny, like he kept glancing at me. I also felt Stan looking me at one point. "Here we are." I broke the awkward silence.

"Jesus it seems too mellow for a party." Kenny said looking confused.

"Oh well~ as long as there are cats like he promised." Kenny said, letting himself in.

I looked over at Stan, who just rolled his eyes. We walked into the room to see Clyde and Jimmy talking to each other.

"Oh h-h-he-he-" Jimmy started, then took what seemed to be a shot. "Hey guys."

Stan politely waved, but I wanted to see where Kenny went. I weaved through some people and saw Cartmans basement door close. Not paying any attention to see if Stan followed me, I went downstairs.

"Hello?" I called.

There were people down here too! Damn.. He must have promised free alcohol or something.

I felt butterflies in my stomach, remembering it wasn't even legal for any of us to drink. I walked up to a girl and tapped on her shoulder. "Hey?"

"Oh, huh?" She said.

It was Bebe, so I felt just a little bit more comfortable. "Do you have any idea where I can find fata- er. I mean Cartman?" I stuttered.

"Pretty sure he's in his room." She slurred half of her words, obviously drunk.

I let out an annoyed sigh and got out of the basement. Did I mention it smelled like weed? Yea it smelled like weed.

I was about to walk up the stairs when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Kyle do you know where butters is?"

I turned around to see Kenny. "Weren't you looking for him earlier?" I said, trying not to get annoyed from the interruption.

"I'm serious we we're supposed to meet here." He said looking around.

"I don't know kenny, seriously I'm getting concerned." I said, giving him a sincere look.

Kenny winced, looking back into the crowd of people.

I gave Kenny a hug, feeling bad for him. "I promise if I see him I'll tell you."

We broke the hug and I motioned my head towards upstairs. "I'm gonna go talk to cartman. Cya dude." I gave a weak wave.

Kenny gave a curt nod, smiled, and turned around.


Just wanted to say that there is a time change between butters pov and Kyle's pov. I'm going to let you decide when that was.

Also I'm about halfway through this book already woo!

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