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Cartman's P.O.V

I was chillin at home, y'know watching a movie. Probably a new block buster or something. Not even 10 minutes into a movie I heard knocking on the door.

"Oh my god what whinny bitch wants me-"

The door opened up to see an exhausted butters standing there. "Eric.. Please.. Come.. With.." He said, panting pretty hard.

I usually don't give two shits, but he seemed concerned beyond belief. "Ugh. Come in." I said, motioning him in.

After a moment to catch his breath, he said "so where's your mom?"

"I dont know, I just heard her leave so I got up?"

Butters sniffled for a second. "Eric I don't know where Kenny is."

"Probably at the strip club or something. Illegally too." I said, not thinking much of it.

"No, you don't understand Eric." Butters said, looking more concerned and red-faced."Me and Kenny.." He trailed off.

I took a second. Were Kenny and butters moving in together or something? "Yea? You guys moving in together or-"

"We are together." He stuttered.

I stopped for a second, taking in the info. I knew butters was bi curious but damn.

"So you're... A fag?" I said, grinning.

He gave me the meanest look butters could give anyone. "I knew I shouldn't have told you!" He snapped.

"Youre not even gonna help me look for Kenny are you.."

I got up, dusting off some popcorn on my lap. "Fine I guess."

"Really? Awesome!" He smiled, doing one of those awkward fist pumps.

Kyle's P.O.V

I told Stan I could walk myself home, but he insisted that he came. "Seriously, I'm not even that far away." I said, giving him a small smile.

"Noooo, I'm doing nothing at all, might as well walk my boyfriend home." He said, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I felt my face heat up Dramatically. "Oh- fine. But that's all." I said.

We were about halfway there when we ran into a worried butters and a meh Cartman. "Oh thank goodness fellas!" Butters said, looking like he was going to hug us.

"Umm.. Everything fine butters?" Stan said, letting go of my hand.

I seriously hope Cartman didnt see that.

"No, oh jeez, I can't s-seem to find Kenny." He said, poking his fingers together.

"Kenny? He was with us the other day. And if you're relying on text messaging him then, well, that's not reliable." I pointed out, not wanting to point out the fact Kenny was poor.

"I went to his house and everything." Butters muttered.

"He might be on a walk, don't worry about it." Stan said, in a reassuring tone.

I felt a chill up my back. I turned to see somebody watching me from an alley. Ah, I see. I smiled.

"Be right back Stan." I said, pointing to the alley

He gave me a concerned look, and shook his head. "Kyle wait a second."

But I ignored him, walking towards the alley. "Brb~" I said finger gunning him.

He gave me a concerned look, than turned back to question butters and Cartman.

I walked over to see an orange hood. Well, if I'm not stupid, that's defiantly Kenny. "Woah Kenny? Lucky strike! Butters been looking for you an-"

He grabbed me by the collar, which made me kinda freeze. "Don't call me Kenny right now."

I felt myself break sweat, buy it was obviously just him pulling a prank on me. "Okay.. Well Butters has been really worried about you.." I trailed off.

Kenny stared at me. The creepiest part was I could see his eyes. It was that half crazed look you'd get from an insane person. "You don't understand."

I looked back at the group. Stan and Cartman looked like they were in a heated argument, and he swore he locked eyes with butters. "Kenny, what the hell dude! Seriously you don't have to-"

"Stan doesn't love you. He never will." Kenny said, breath hoy against my ear.

I felt my heart drop. "K-kenny.. This is weird, seriously."

"I think me and Cartman loved you more than him. He'll use you."

"Kenny back off!" I finally pushed him off, slowly backing towards the opening of the alley. "Please this isn't you."

All he could feel is the cold glare on him. He never acts like this. This isn't him. Did Cartman pay him to do this.

"10 dollars is 10 dollars Kyle"

Stan P.O.V

I heard Kyle let out a screech. "Yo what the hell?" Cartman said. "Is Kyle okay?"

"Do you think I know fat ass?" I hissed at him.

Butters gave a fearful glance. "Oh boy I sure hope he isn't getting raped."

I almost laughed at how normally he said that. But honestly I was too scared what could have happened to Kyle.

"Kyle!" I called, walking over to it. There was a whimper, then Kyle running out of the alley shouting at someone.

He looks at me with the most relieved look in his eyes, and pretty much crashed into me. "Holy shit what happened."

"Someone touched his Jew gold probably." Cartman said as if he was a professional. "Y'know thats a big no no."

"Shut up fat ass." Kyle hissed, seeming weak for some reason. "Butters did you know about this?" He barked.

"No.. What happened?" Butters said, then looking hopeful, stating, "did you see Kenny?"

He glared at butters, which made me confused. "Kyl-"

"Let's go Stan. I feel like I can't trust anyone anymore." He turned around, swiftly grabbing my hand and dragging me away.

We were at the front of my house now. "What the hell happened?" I finally managed to spit out.

Kyle had been giving me a confused glare the whole time. "I don't want to tell you." He said, his face red.

I noticed he was wincing and biting his lips. I didn't ask him why he was sad, because that was the reason we were arguing.

I let him into my house, and in all honesty regretting letting him go into that alley.

"You can go up to my room, uh, I need to think." I said.

He nods, and heads up to my room.

What the actual fuck?



I've had a lot of school issues and friend drama shit if y'know what I mean. Also crap this part doesn't have enough parts.

The next part might also give you a hint of depression, but I hope the next one (chapter 12) is more light hearted :')

Also does this seem rushed? I just feel really bad idk

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