Characters! :)

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An: Hello! I hope you will enjoy this story as much as I do writing! If you have any questions to ask me or anything you want to tell me, comment down below. Anyways...enjoy! Oh, chapter one is going to be the next part, not this.

Name: Alice Vivian Ishikawa

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Name: Alice Vivian Ishikawa

Nickname: Al

Age: 16

Weapon: Wakizashi (type of samurai sword)

Vigilante name: Orchid

Description: She is the leader of the group they call,Shi no on'nanoko, which means girls of death. (didn't want to put the symbols so I'll just do the spelling thing. Google translate is gonna be my BFF for this) She is very mature for her age and does what's necessary for the girls. She has trained the girls herself and has been with them since. She's pretty laid back, but can be strict at times. Always open to new ideas.

Name: Leliana Elanor Ishikawa

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Name: Leliana Elanor Ishikawa

Nickname: Li Li (pronounced: Lee Lee)

Age: 16

Weapon: Whip and Kunai

Vigilante name: Rose

Description: Twin sister of Alice. Has a short temper, doesn't trust easily. She may be a short fuse with her sister and the girls, but she cares for them. She would do anything to protect them including giving her life for any of the girls. They are sisters and sisters do anything for sisters. She can be hard on the girls but that because she wants them to toughen up.

Name: Quinn Constance Peters(Imagine her with glasses)

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Name: Quinn Constance Peters(Imagine her with glasses)

Nickname: Quinn

Age: 16

Weapon: Metal Batons (two metal sticks)

Vigilante name: Lotus

Description: Short....well, she's a tad bit below average. She's really smart! Quinn loves to build things and to take things apart. But the thing is, she has the same amount of emotion as a robot. She's pretty cold, but deep down she cares. Her past made her the way she is.

Name: Katie Sabrina Vandera 

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Name: Katie Sabrina Vandera 

Nickname: Kitty

Age: 15

Weapon: Single Katana

Vigilante Name: Lilly

Description: Taller than Quinn for sure XD......Happy go lucky and I mean lucky. Even having a terrible past, she's still happy. She's a bit sensitive and shy, but once she warms up to you she is crazy.  

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