Chapter 16

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AN: Hello my turtle fan friends! I thinking of making this book follow along with the series....maybe like the end of season one or beginning of season 2. What do you think the end of 1 or beginning of 2?

~~~~~~~~~third person~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Everything was going to be different now, and they all knew it. It was going to be a challenge for the guys to live with a bunch of girls and the girls with the guys. Master Splinter knew that he was going to be enjoying this a lot more than what he does in his free time...

"WHO ATE THE LAST PIECE OF PIZZA! THAT WAS MINE!!! I WROTE MY NAME ON THE BOX AND SAID THAT IT WAS MINE!" Yelled Raph( very pissed) from the kitchen. Kitty immediately went to go hide in her's and Al's room...

"Quinn! What did I tell you about leaving random chemicals lying around!"Li Li argued with Quinn in their room.

"Mikey! You can't play video games all day long! It's not healthy for you or a productive way to spend your free time!" scolded Al.

That's how the last 2 weeks have been. Ever since the girls have moved in, it has not been a quiet place anymore but a loud place where you can't walk around without arguing with someone. Master Splinter had enough, this day was the last straw for him...

"Everyone in the dojo now!" barked a furious Master Splinter. Everyone obeyed because they have never seen him this annoyed. They sat on their knees, none of them daring to speak.

"Why are we called here?" asked the brave leader Leo.

"In order to be a team, each of you must learn to live and get along with each other. You can't keep bickering and argue with each other, it could affect your fighting and one of you could end up hurt, or worse dead." Said Master Splinter with a sigh.

"We'll try better Master Splinter we promise," said Kitty.

"That's not enough...So instead of training, you will use the time to bond and become better acquainted with each other." Master Splinter said, flinching when they started to throw 'why' and 'how come's at him. "Until you prove to me you can work together as a team and friends, then you can start training again." Then he left into his room to go and meditate.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Al's point of view~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was silent when he left for his room, we were just left to think I guess.

"Girls we have to go to school, grab your things and let's go," I said standing up going to get my backpack. A hand on my arm stopped me in my place.

"Can we talk about our teams when you are back?" asked Leo. He said it with such an adorable serious face.

"Y-yeah, we should," I said stuttering a bit. ARGH! I'm trying so hard not to blush right now....okay, fine you got me...I do have a crush on the blue leader. But I doubt he feels the same way... Leo nodded and walked to his room

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIPPY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quinn's point of~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey, Nerd Freak, ya all alone? Not a surprise because you have no friends." Janet sneered at me passing down the hall. I just ignored her and continued my way to Geometry. It was my last and final class of the freaking day, just one more torturous class with Janet and then it's over. " I wasn't done talking to you!" the she-devil screeched, l rolled my eyes. Suddenly, I grabbed from the arms by her two clones, which had a steel grip on me.

"Hey let go of me!" I protested as they dragged me off to somewhere. They finally threw me into a room...literally...and I landed on my butt with a thud.

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