Chapter 5

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~~~~~~~~~~Third person of girl's point of view~~~~~~~~~~~~

They were all shocked; their faces showed it. Well, except for Quinn. They didn't scream though like they had promised. They were freaking humanoid turtles! That's pretty cool at the least...

~~~~~~~~~~~Kitty's point of view~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

OMG! They look sooooo coool! I immediately ran up to there confused faces and poked the orange one in the side. He giggled.

"Hey, dudette! That tickles!"He said in a laughing fit. His laughing made me laugh and soon we were on the floor laughing our heads off.

~~~~~~~~~~~Mikey's point of view~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Wow! This dudette she's pretty cool! Wait did I say pretty? I mean amazing. No! I mean chill and cool. yeah, that's what I meant. I'm so glad she's not afraid of us. That means we are going to have more friends! Yay!

~~~~~~~~~~Al's point of view~~~~~~~~~~~

"Kitty/Mikey! Get off of the ground!" me and the turtle with the blue mask scolded. We both looked up at each other, eyes meeting. We then both blushed and turned away.

"Sorry about Kitty. She can be crazy at times but, never is usually crazy around strangers."I gave her a look and she sheepishly shrugged. I sighed.  

"It's fine. It's the same with Mikey."He said gesturing to Mikey. I nodded. So, the orange mask name is Mikey.

"What are your names?"I ask them.

~~~~~~~~~Li Li's point of view~~~~~~~~~~

"And why should we tell you."Said an annoying cute Brooklyn accent. Wait? Cute? Blargh! I looked to see the turtle with a red mask glare at us. And I glared back at him.

"Why shouldn't' you. It's not like we are gonna tell anyone. Oh, wait you wouldn't trust us to tell you that." I said doing a sarcastic gesture, while still glaring at him.  Alice face-palmed and gave me the 'knock it off' look. 

"Sorry about Raph. He's like that." said blue leader turtle. "I'm Leonardo but call me Leo." Said Leo giving a small wave.

"And that's Raphael, but call him Raph cause he hates Raphael," said Mikey joining in the conversation.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quinn's point of view~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"And, the giant nerd with the mask, is Donnie or Donatello." said Raph still glaring at us.

"If I may ask,"I said talking to Raph,"What is it going to accomplish you by glaring at us? I'm most definitely you do not have laser vision because if you did you would have used them by now. Also, it high a very very low chance of you having laser vision. And, it's a very low chance you can read our minds. So, glaring isn't going to gain you anything."I said pushing up my glasses. Li Li, Kitty, and Mikey snickered.

"Nerd."Raph muttered under his breath. I just rolled my eyes. I looked to see Donatello staring at me and slightly smiled. I just kept my cold blank face at him. He looked down, a little...sad?

"Excuse Orchid, she uh doesn't express emotion that much." Alice said awkwardly trying not to offend me. I gave a 'you didn't offend me' nod to her.

"So are you like the girls we saw last night? Ya know, the ones Leo saw and told us this morning about." said Mikey. Alice and I nodded. The girls looked at us in confusion but decided not to question us for now...

~~~~~~~~~Leo's point of view~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Yes. Yes we are." said Lotus. 

"We are called Shi no on'naoko.  We also use code names, I'm Orchid but you probably already know that..." said Orchid. That's cool.

"Wait, doesn't Shi no on'naoko mean Girls of death?"I question. What if they work for shredder?!

"Yes it does, but we don't go around killing people. We are called that for a different reason, that I don't feel like explaining cause I don't trust you." said Rose. She rolled her eyes at me and my brothers' confused faces.

"Anyways...My name's Alice but people call me Al. Rose her name is Leliana but call her Li Li or she'll whip you into pieces."Al said laughing a bit at the last part.

"My name is Katie! But call me Kitty! Oh and the emotionless robot who is covered in stuff is---"She started but Quinn elbowed her in the side.

"I'm not going to let you guys know my name. I don't trust you yet. Just call me lotus for now." said Lotus. I wonder why she won't trust us; then again, she just met us. I don't blame her. I guess. I'll just keep an eye on them...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Raph's point of view~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I don't trust them. I just get this feeling like I shouldn't, especially Lotus and Li Li! I bet they don't even know how to use their weapons! I mean they're stupid girls after all! I don't trust them at all and I hope my brothers don't either.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Donnie's point of view~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Why do you have gunk on you Lotus?"I asked her. Hmmm, it looks like slushie with some kind of liquid. I also wanted to ask her why she doesn't have expression. I mean this girl could be an android for all we know! She acts like it...

"That is personal information I do not wish to share."Said Lotus giving me an icy stare. I looked at the ground avoiding it. She gives one cold icy stare!

"Hey, dudettes! Wanna come to our lair! You can meet Master Splinter! Can they Leo?" asked Mikey giving his 'puppy dog' eyes. 

"Sure, why not."Said Leo agreeing with Mikey. 

"We are just letting them waltz into the lair! Have you gone mad! They could be part of the purple dragons or something!"Argued Raph.

"If they were part of the purple dragons, they wouldn't have been kicking their shells."I said. Raph looked at me and then glared.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Third person of everyone~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Whatever let's just go." said Raph obviously annoyed. He didn't wait but started walking back to the lair. He no way liked the idea of inviting random strangers into the lair. Raph didn't think they were that trustworthy since he only just met them. He didn't know what their motive was.

"I have an extra change of clothes you can have.Since you are covered in slushie and something else. We got the clothes from a friend who left them in the lair in case of something." rambled Donnie. He didn't really know if she'd accept or not, Lotus barely knew him. But, she surprised him and everyone else when she said Yes and thank you. They all stared at her.

"No, my head did not explode. So, it would be in my likes if you were to stop staring at me like my head exploded. Thank you." said Lotus giving them all looks. They all came to a big opening and saw their lair. 

"Here we are! Welcome to our humble casa!"Shouted Mikey...

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