Chapter 15

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kitty's point of view~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"We're here!" I said practically leaping out of the van. Leo parked it behind some fence, right by the manhole cover...So basically, it took us forever to take the boxes from the van into the lair and into the rooms. Li Li, Al, Leo, and Raph were in charge of taking the boxes into the lair, and me, Mikey, Quinn, and Donnie were in charge of putting them in the rooms. I was working with Donnie since we decided to not let him and Quinn alone with each other for like more than five minutes. I don't understand why they fight, I mean they are different yet the same...ya know? They both love and appreciate anything that deals with science or boring stuff, but Donnie is a big dork...more outgoing than Quinn, and Quinn is like a cat, one minute she'll be calm and then she bites! Not literally.........for the most part.............Man, I wish I got to work with Mikey! He's so cu- - - cool! I wasn't going to say anything else... Maybe...

"Hey, Donnie?" I asked him, setting a box into my and Al's room with him.

"Yeah?"He asked setting down a box on one of the empty beds.

"Why do you not like Quinn?"I asked tilting my head a bit. I usually do this to get what I want, and it works!

"Well, I don't not like her, she's okay...I mean I don't hate her, but we aren't buddy buddy? Hehe, ya know?" he struggled to get his point across.

"No, I don't?"I asked really confused, what is he trying to say. He started to ramble about who knows what until I realized what he meant. Whether intentionally or not I will let him know >:).

"I got it!" I said getting excited....>:)

"You did? So you realize that I.."

"Like her!" I cut him off," Like, Like Like her." I said with an innocent smile. He looked like he was going to either explode with anger or shock, maybe both.

"NO NO NO NEVER EVER would I like someone as repulsive as her!"He freaked.

"AND I WOULD NEVER Like you or let alone be a friend who is as dastardly as you!" Quinn shouted from outside the room somewhere. I just giggled, she probably like him too.

Donnie stormed out of the room and we to his lab probably...I went to go find Mikey!

"Hi, Mikey!" I said as I found him with Quinn. I guess everyone finished the boxes because the turtles were lounging around and the girls in the rooms either fighting, unpacking or both. He was about to say something, but Al got to it first," Kitty come unpack! You can talk to your boyfriend later!"

I stormed over to me and Al's room,"He's NOT my BOYFRIEND!" She just giggled and mumbled something about young love or something.

Another AN: Sorry bout this being short, I lost inspiration, and now it's back. Sometimes, life can be a but and you need to take a break from some things. Anyways.......I hope you are enjoying your summer vacay! 

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