Desert Tumble: Chapter 2

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Today has got to be one of the worst days I've ever had since coming here to Hollywood Arts. Not only did Mr. Whiskers (Hey, I was seven when I named him) die this morning, but I'm in the girls' bathroom trying to wipe coffee out of my shirt because of the stupid new girl. She's lucky my top is black and the coffee stain won't show, otherwise I'd take a pair of scissors to her earlobe.

Actually, I might still do it. I'll have plenty of time to later. She doesn't know it yet, but I'm gonna make her come to my place after school today.

I'd rather not. I don't want her to know where I live. And I really don't want to see her after school hours, but there's something of hers that I need.

Her clothes.

I wish I was going to do something drastic with them; like cut 'em up and make her walk home in her underwear, but I'm not. I'm going to wear them tomorrow, after running them through my washer half a dozen times of course.

It's that buffoon, Sikowitz's, fault. He's made her my partner in our newest method acting exercise; an exercise in which we have to switch identities with one of our classmates for a day.

That's right. All day tomorrow, I have to be "Tori Vega" and she has to be Jade West. God, I'd rather be Cat. All I'd have to do is say stupid, airy, things and run around like a five year old all day. Don't get me wrong, Cat's my closest friend here, but under normal circumstances I'd rather slam my tongue in a car door than act like her.

Today however, I'd gladly do it. It would beat having to be Tori Vega. I mean, she's new. What else do I know about her besides the fact that she's awkward, clumsy, stupid, annoying, a gank, easily intimidated, -

"Hey, um Jade?"

I shift my eyes in the mirror and immediately make eye contact with her, the Vega girl.

"Vega," I grunt and continue to wipe at my shirt, refusing to let her even think she's important enough to upset me.

"So, I'm sorry about the coffee on your shirt, but since we're partners I was thinking maybe we should start fresh, you know? Be friends? Maybe?" She smiles nervously while twisting her fingers about each other.

Inside, I'm rolling my eyes and thinking about how stupid this girl really is if she thinks that I'd easily forgive her for what she did. "Yeah, well, I don't like you; so, I'm not gonna be your friend." I manage to sound completely bored rather than irritated; which is what I was aiming for.

"Look, I'm really sorry. What do I gotta do to show you that?" She all but begs.


I pretend to consider her offer, though I have no intention of accepting. "Come to my place after school." I command before turning from the mirror and walking toward her.

She's got her mouth hanging open, obviously shocked and scared out of her wits.


As I pass by her, she grabs my arm.

My eyes go wide. She just touched me. I don't let people touch me; not unless I like them, and there aren't very many people I like. "Never touch me," I growl.

Her eyebrows nearly kiss her hairline. "I'm s-sorry, but I don't know where you live." She stammers. She's fidgeting with her hands again, but that smile is still there. God, what a weirdo. "And also, I don't have a car yet, so..."

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