Six Weeks: Chapter 27

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I gotta wazz so chizzin' bad right now. That's the only thought that I can think of even though I know it would be better to concentrate on something else. Anything else. But it's no use. I've been holding it for nearly an hour because I don't wanna wake Josie. I'm sure she won't complain. I mean, she hasn't done it yet; but still...I feel a little bad for her. She's been taking care of me without complaint for weeks now.

Thank Dan I get these stupid casts off today. I'm so ready. Beyond ready. I just want to feed myself for a change; and drive myself around, and answer my own phone, and dress myself. But most importantly, I can't wait to be able to wipe my own duey. It's been foreeeeeever.

"Baby girl," And oh, thank goodness! I nearly melt with relief at the sound of Josie's awakeness because I seriously don't know how much longer I would've been able to hold it. "Let's get you to the bathroom." She yawns after a quick, and a very audible, stretch of her back.

I roll over quickly, stupidly forgetting that I can't just clumsily rush out of bed and catch my fall with an outstretched hand like normal. I give a surprised squeak; and before I can land on my casts, Josie's grabbed me around the middle and dragged me out of the bed on her side. She's had a lot of time to get used to me doing stuff like that, I guess. Either that, or it's her super mom reflexes. Come to think of it, Victor is a bit of a roller.

Josie yawns again before pushing me into the bathroom and shutting the door behind us. I try my best to hold still while she pulls my pants down, but I really gotta go.

She shakes her head at me. "I don't know why you always wait until the very last second." She mumbles monotonously while sitting me down on the toilet. Then she's at the sink, washing her hands and brushing her teeth.

I'm a little confused at first. Usually, she just waits for me so she won't have to wash her hands twice. But then I remember, Victor spent the whole three-day weekend with his godmother. Josie's gotta pick him up before Jade goes to school.

"Lean forward."

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Josie's soft command and I do as she says without a thought. She never asks me if I'm done when I'm done. Just tells me to lean forward so we can get the embarrassing part out of the way. Of course, she doesn't really need to ask, I guess. She can tell by the lack of 'tinkles hitting the water' sound that I'm done.

A few seconds later, Josie pulls me up and flushes the toilet. Which is another thing I'm looking forward to doing on my own once my casts are off. Flushing the toilet by myself. That way I'm the only one who sees my business.

"I'm gonna put you back in bed. Then I'll wake you up in about an hour so I can dress you for your appointment." Josie suddenly announces.

I figured that part out already, but I suppose Josie's just talking so I'll be distracted while she pulls my pants up for me. Which I'm grateful for, but this isn't nearly as awkward as it used to be. It's just annoying.

"Are you excited about getting your cast off today?" She continues.

I roll my eyes at her. Of course, I'm excited!

She rolls hers back and calls me an asswipe before guiding me toward her bed. "Covers or no?"

"Covers." I reply.

She nods her head and pulls them back for me. Once I've slid in, she covers me up and pushes me toward the center of the bed. "Do not fall out of this, baby girl." She raises both eyebrows at me, like a dare.

"Or what?" I challenge.

"Or you'll fall out." She deadpans.

I sigh and watch her head for her closet so she can pick out something to wear. She's no fun. Or, I've been so bored for the past few weeks that arguing has become one of my main sources of entertainment. Which is just, super sad.

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